The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "rebalance their states of 'soul' - No 28 -
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Darling / or, have you ever thought
that in every moment of our lives we live emotions? Yeah, but for us it is so natural that not even think of it. The emotion is present in every moment and it is natural that this is so, since we always thought, as a consequence, we have emotions.
In the meetings of energy integration, what you are working on are more negative emotions. But because we have divided into positive and negative emotions? In fact, emotions are like waves of the sea should flow naturally in and out of us, just like the sea waves are used to maintain its balance. Animals also experience the emotions naturally.
And why, for the modern man this is not at all natural?
Yes, there is something that disturbs this natural. And what is it? There are three things that we humans put in place: the view, the will and the patterns learned. Let's start with the latter.
From conception on, we accumulate experiences and these experiences build our models. What does this mean? When we do experience them draw a "teaching" and this is recorded in our brain, like a computer program, as long as there is no second experience that makes me change, or change the type of instruction or program.
If, for example, a child, I placed a hand on I have a hot stove and burned, my brain will register the event as dangerous and draw a lesson: "Be afraid of everything that emits heat."
could go far, so good. Yeah, but what would happen if the emotional trauma was so strong that there is terror just to walk into a room where there is a heater on or something?
that this teaching is, that program, it becomes detrimental and counterproductive for us and prevent us from doing things they normally do and it is common to all. In other words, limits our freedom, our choice, our pleasure. As we have said many
Sometimes these emails, these kinds of programs represent an emotional imbalance in our energy system and the imbalance remains until rebalanced our energies, or, rather, do not change or replace the negative program.
Sometimes it is very difficult to do this, because the program has now stabilized in our unconscious parts and we can no longer even see it, it only affects us. Accordingly, we respond to the classical concept of action-reaction: an event happens, I respond with that exact reaction remains the same.
With energy integration can rebalance our energy field
and restructuring in a positive way our internal programs in the best way for us.
Ok, we went a bit 'long and at this point, I would say to postpone the next mail the explanation of the other two points, that the proceedings and the will. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened
, which resolved completely with the use
energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
James had come to me for a massage Ayurvedic, because in recent times was quite stressed and could not even do a bit more 'bikes and sport, as he had done. Therefore felt bound in a little body movement and muscle in the contract.
As often happens while doing the massage, the person asks me a bit 'of information about the type of massage I practice, and again, James went with a nice and quiet conversation.
After learning from me the news that interest him, he began to talk about her situation. He told me that a few months was promoted executive in an area of \u200b\u200bhis farm. He was very happy about it, but the new job had also brought new concerns. Via
so on, James told me that recently suffered from an annoying and persistent ear pain, and after clinical tests had been diagnosed as otitis. He also said that the doctor had given him a care to do, but so far had found only a slight decrease in pain.
From what I had said until then, I suspect that the pain was somehow connected to his new job duties. I proposed then for the next session of working with energy integration, and he gladly accepted.
I saw him again the following week. Told me they felt better after the massage received and proved very cooperative in answering questions that I asked. We talked a bit 'of his work duties and told me all her trouble groped to reconcile the demands of his head with the work to be carried out to the workers. I also said that his boss was a person rather irascible and often caught fire like a match.
found it interesting that everything I was saying, but I could not find links to his ear infection. As always in these cases, I began to practice the techniques of 'energy integration. After several minutes of treatment he said that the other ear was plugged and had reduced its hearing sensitivity. It was all very strange what was going on but still was not the key to his situation.
After a few more minutes, James told me he could not feel anything anymore. I was obvious question: "Why do you remain silent and isolated from the outside world?". His expression was amazed and scared at the same time when I said he had before him the image of his head that was screaming but he did not hear a word.
was all very clear then. His ears were not closed to hear the screams and their content. We worked specifically on this. Hours emerged very clearly what the screams of the head and what he said in those moments of delirium, they did feel good for nothing, insignificant, defeated. In other words, his Chief James undermined its identity, or at least perceived him that way.
At the end of the session, had made up largely of hearing, but still did not go entirely well. I saw him again after a few days, and we continued to work on the contents of his deafness and his pain. Other details emerged, but little by little we managed to balance all the points of the situation and James went on his legs that seemed to float rather than walk. He was really happy and felt free.
I phoned after a little over a month and he confirmed that they had had more pain and that his ears felt fine. Informed me that his boss was not so furious with him, who knows, maybe some of Giacomo previous behavior caused these reactions of the head. "Change yourself and change the world," said the ancient sages. Maybe they were not wise at all, what do you think?
***** I wish you to understand ever more deeply *****