The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "re-shape their lives," No 30 - Ecology of emotions
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I received via mail a question, as always, I say publicly: "It is dangerous to let the emotions flow freely?"
It 's a good question, and at the same time is a very common question. Unfortunately in our life teaches us that there is no education emotional, and then, from this point of view, we are left in disarray.
The answer is no, not dangerous. But there is one condition. Express their emotions is quite healthy if the person has not created in time, within themselves, these accumulations to be compared to the vapor that exists in a pressure cooker boiling for a while '. Express emotions that have been accumulating for a long time can do the same effect as a pressure cooker exploding. In order to redress this situation there are treatments of energy integration, which show the energetic state easily to its physiological state. It 's easy to recognize these internal states, since, even when we think to a situation that disturbs us, within us we feel an emotion so strong to get hard to control, even though we tend to repress it. In these cases we are in total emotional imbalance.
For those not in these conditions, expressing emotions is quite natural, moreover, are the spice of life and are an expression of the natural flow of our energy in the various districts in the body.
If, as we have already done so, we compare our emotional state of the sea, our ordinary emotions are like waves that are always there and that are characteristic of the sea. The stormy sea instead, is the amount of our emotional states in which disturbed the giant waves and strong disasters can be considerable. Think for example at the news that you hear on the news very often whole families killed by one of its components: These are the typical cases of emotional build-up when you express that produce disasters, like the stormy sea that overwhelms all that is nearby.
To resume the previous mail, we can say that the emotional accumulations occur where there has been given an adverse opinion on the possibility of expression of that emotion. I assure you that there is always a way to let the emotions flow, even under the worst conditions, but often do not see even one (perhaps because we have already given feedback negative) and then we keep our own house in this driving force, which began to produce damage.
We are facing a dangerous emotional situation, just when we made this detention many many many times in our lives, that we have always been prevented from expressing emotion that date. This is much more common in childhood into adulthood. An adult should have been able to acquire the ability to download or vent their emotions in some way, even if only to pull a ball kicked or beat his fists on a pillow. For a child is already a bit 'more difficult, because the child or is expressed or suppressed and did not yet the capacity to develop other strategies, especially if it is very small. Who has the emotional build up substantial and often has some block that comes from the infantile period.
is also very interesting to consider the relationship between thoughts and emotions: there's always a thought or a way of thinking behind an emotion. So emotional education also involves the education of our thoughts.
During Mental Ecology to be held soon (November 9, remember?), We will learn to recognize our destructive thoughts and how to change them. Change your thoughts to change your emotions! A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened,
which resolved completely with the ' use energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
When I met Richard for the first time, I had the impression of being in front of a hungry people who did not have enough food for their living. He was so thin as to leave a glimpse of all the bones. In fact, Richard had many health problems in previous years was now reasonably well although certainly not in very good condition. He arrived accompanied by his current wife and asked if I could help him because he felt no energy in general and also, as I said to him, "there was no more a man."
talked at length, as Richard told me about all its numerous diseases and disorders, intervention and suffered all the therapies that had to do. When asked at what stage of his life had begun to appear his ailments, and was speechless at that point his wife told me everything that happened after his former wife had left him for another man.
While his wife told me, he was stiff, taut, inexpressive, and at one point even began to tremble slightly. His wife told me that the former wife Richard had a particular attachment, was the dream of his life, was one of those idyllic love affairs that happen only once in life,
and after several years of happy marriage was gone, leaving him in utter despair and no resignation.
I told Richard that I would rather he were to tell me what happened, why it was important for me to feel and what they expressed as he spoke of his problems. He answered in monosyllables, trembling, tense and stiffly as he was, could hardly make out the voice. The memory of that pain and it probably crashed trying to keep it under control to not be affected by the deep pain that could have done crazy.
To me, this was enough, and began to practice a technique of energy integration. It was too stiff to spread, and seemed frightened at the beginning he was not even close my eyes. He seemed to want to control everything I did. There was a point of his body that the stimulus that does not hurt, even if it was a bearable pain.
After a few minutes of treatment, the tears began to flow from his eyes and slowly began to sob more and more animated. His body was only a start, there was no Part of it was not moving at the urging of her sobs. It went on for several minutes in this way, slowly until the wave of pain passed, and when he recovered he could tell me. "It was as if I had destroyed the life of that abandonment, as if my soul had left me."
Richard was very shocked, but now beginning to be evident more relaxing and calm, so much so that he could talk and not before.
He told me that the first felt like a big, big knot in the pit of the stomach and that at some point had begun to feel as if that part was opened and pour into him a wave of venom that scattered throughout the body. Then the powerful pain receded, and now it felt like just emerged from a centrifuge, but much more quiet and almost peaceful.
energy integration, this time, he popped the cork of emotional blocks and this event was taking Richard to recover its energy and above all of his life.
To recover its state of decay, was instrumental in using energy integration, but also had to combine some of Ayurvedic treatment to restore the balance of his body, now very much tried by years of deep tensions. In addition, I prepared a bottle of Bach flower remedies for cleaning its energy system and stabilize the changes that had taken place with energy integration.
few months after the end of our meetings, I phoned his wife, confirming that Richard had recovered several kilograms of weight and was now very well. Moreover, their relationship was very good, as when they were married she had to be in love, as he had agreed, but his behavior was always very cold and detached until recently, but now she felt as a paid love. It ended with this very significant sentence: "Life is so, it is another thing." Not bad, eh?
***** I wish to live in the joy of your emotional relationships *****
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Kingdom Hearts 2 4 Medallions
Emotions Emotions, opinions and emotions will
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "
find the poetry of life" - No 29 - Emotions, opinions and wishes
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sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
as the beginning, I would respond publicly to a question I received: "As you can replenish its internal energy?"
As for the techniques I use, is a process that happens by itself. We already have a large amount of energy within us, but much of this is deducted, or rather stuck in our psychosomatic internal structures, related to fears, emotional blocks, negative patterns, traumas and so on. Solving these structures gradually through the techniques of energy integration, release a larger amount of energy that becomes available to the person himself, and usually goes to just settle where there is greater shortage, creating a new and better balance.
's newsletter ago there was talk of negative emotions that become limiting and programs had failed to speak of opinions and will. Reviews (as well as the prejudices) and the will or desire are closely linked together. At the beginning of the mail you ever wondered how to divide the emotions into positive and negative. Well usually judge the positive emotions that bring us pleasure and negative ones that bring us pain or suffering. But it is always true or is it just one of our many interpretations?
It 'still our interpretation. In this way, we have already installed a program in our biocomputer, which is the brain. For example, we considered the negative emotions as unacceptable and therefore to be avoided like the plague and positive emotions as the only worth living.
Apparently it would seem that this is a normal thing, but in reality hides a profound error. When we refuse to prove we are suffering at the same time refusing to feel pleasure because the channel is the same. And to say that through the telephone wires coming calls positive and negative, if the detachment wire to stop receiving the negative calls, automatically receive even more positive ones. In our body just does not happen exactly the same situation but the processes are very similar.
Think for a moment to a situation in which a person reacts with pain and at some point the person decides: "I will no longer suffer." What triggered the moment take this decision? Our brain keeps track of our decision and began to close the channels of sensation (nerve channels are also muscular and here is the source of some tension and pain).
The result of this will be reduced or set aside such a feeling of pain and therefore also of pleasure.
Many times I have met people who told me: "I do not feel more pleasure in life. Everything seems off, has no meaning and interest. " When I asked what could be the cause of what I have always been answered with a "non- I know. " For a further investigation report, showed often this type of situation.
This is just one example, as the reactions to our decisions are innumerable deep, however simplistic, but all of our vitality and creativity. Through sessions of energy integration will be cleaning up our energy field to rebalance and automatic reactions that we have triggered with our judgments, prejudices and wrong will.
Sometimes suffering is a great teacher, because (if not deny), it can make us aware of errors that apparently did not see or can not understand. It is not necessary to use pain as a means of understanding if we were a bit 'wiser and open to listening within. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely using energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
Mary is one of my old acquaintance, but had not seen her for many years. One day I called to make an appointment and during the interview he told me recently that he felt very tired and could not recover even more sleep. He also told me to feel very heavy legs and that her doctor had found a situation of dilated varicose veins. It was not yet very serious situation in the legs but could have become.
I started to do some 'treatment with energy integration on its own symptoms, and she continued to feel this sense of heaviness, but nothing more.
He said that some days my legs felt so heavy that had trascinarsele behind to carry out its duties. These
his sentences awakened my attention and then asked, "What situation in your life that is so great and you're dragging a long time?" He a bit 'surprised and demand suddenly became reflective. A few minutes later he told me that was his job situation.
Mary was employed in an office, but it was a job she did not like because it was chaotic and poorly organized. Also had to perform one thousand jobs at the same time: it had to meet the needs of its head, listening to customers and their needs, answer the phone, prepare tax documents, and liaise between staff and the office manager and many other things.
This created a lot of the frustration (his principal did not intend to do anything to improve that situation) and also a lot of stress because he could never complete what was doing, because it was constantly interrupted by the ringing of the phone, customers, the boss, employees, etc..
Following this, each morning was a great burden for her to go to work and therefore felt a lot of hate. It had become too lazy and unmotivated in his private life.
We worked with energy integration on all these various aspects that created discomfort in working life: dislikes, stress, relationships with the boss, clients and employees. Already at the second session, Mary told me to feel better and have a day at work with a little 'more lightly, and who were also improved relations with some people who saw normally.
We continued the work begun by another integration on his laziness, his lack of elasticity, his internal attitude in dealing with work and all of its strengths. Eventually Mary told me that he really felt "very very light" and added he had never even thought about how many problems we carry with us and that our attitudes do go wrong external situations. This was for her a source of much astonishment. Moreover, he never thought that his leg problems could depend on his job situation.
Then I did burst into laughter when he said: "Bravo Andrea, if you were not there, have to invent." How can you not laugh with a sentence like that?
***** I wish to let all your emotions flowing *****
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "
find the poetry of life" - No 29 - Emotions, opinions and wishes
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter,
sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
as the beginning, I would respond publicly to a question I received: "As you can replenish its internal energy?"
As for the techniques I use, is a process that happens by itself. We already have a large amount of energy within us, but much of this is deducted, or rather stuck in our psychosomatic internal structures, related to fears, emotional blocks, negative patterns, traumas and so on. Solving these structures gradually through the techniques of energy integration, release a larger amount of energy that becomes available to the person himself, and usually goes to just settle where there is greater shortage, creating a new and better balance.
's newsletter ago there was talk of negative emotions that become limiting and programs had failed to speak of opinions and will. Reviews (as well as the prejudices) and the will or desire are closely linked together. At the beginning of the mail you ever wondered how to divide the emotions into positive and negative. Well usually judge the positive emotions that bring us pleasure and negative ones that bring us pain or suffering. But it is always true or is it just one of our many interpretations?
It 'still our interpretation. In this way, we have already installed a program in our biocomputer, which is the brain. For example, we considered the negative emotions as unacceptable and therefore to be avoided like the plague and positive emotions as the only worth living.
Apparently it would seem that this is a normal thing, but in reality hides a profound error. When we refuse to prove we are suffering at the same time refusing to feel pleasure because the channel is the same. And to say that through the telephone wires coming calls positive and negative, if the detachment wire to stop receiving the negative calls, automatically receive even more positive ones. In our body just does not happen exactly the same situation but the processes are very similar.
Think for a moment to a situation in which a person reacts with pain and at some point the person decides: "I will no longer suffer." What triggered the moment take this decision? Our brain keeps track of our decision and began to close the channels of sensation (nerve channels are also muscular and here is the source of some tension and pain).
The result of this will be reduced or set aside such a feeling of pain and therefore also of pleasure.
Many times I have met people who told me: "I do not feel more pleasure in life. Everything seems off, has no meaning and interest. " When I asked what could be the cause of what I have always been answered with a "non- I know. " For a further investigation report, showed often this type of situation.
This is just one example, as the reactions to our decisions are innumerable deep, however simplistic, but all of our vitality and creativity. Through sessions of energy integration will be cleaning up our energy field to rebalance and automatic reactions that we have triggered with our judgments, prejudices and wrong will.
Sometimes suffering is a great teacher, because (if not deny), it can make us aware of errors that apparently did not see or can not understand. It is not necessary to use pain as a means of understanding if we were a bit 'wiser and open to listening within. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely using energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
Mary is one of my old acquaintance, but had not seen her for many years. One day I called to make an appointment and during the interview he told me recently that he felt very tired and could not recover even more sleep. He also told me to feel very heavy legs and that her doctor had found a situation of dilated varicose veins. It was not yet very serious situation in the legs but could have become.
I started to do some 'treatment with energy integration on its own symptoms, and she continued to feel this sense of heaviness, but nothing more.
He said that some days my legs felt so heavy that had trascinarsele behind to carry out its duties. These
his sentences awakened my attention and then asked, "What situation in your life that is so great and you're dragging a long time?" He a bit 'surprised and demand suddenly became reflective. A few minutes later he told me that was his job situation.
Mary was employed in an office, but it was a job she did not like because it was chaotic and poorly organized. Also had to perform one thousand jobs at the same time: it had to meet the needs of its head, listening to customers and their needs, answer the phone, prepare tax documents, and liaise between staff and the office manager and many other things.
This created a lot of the frustration (his principal did not intend to do anything to improve that situation) and also a lot of stress because he could never complete what was doing, because it was constantly interrupted by the ringing of the phone, customers, the boss, employees, etc..
Following this, each morning was a great burden for her to go to work and therefore felt a lot of hate. It had become too lazy and unmotivated in his private life.
We worked with energy integration on all these various aspects that created discomfort in working life: dislikes, stress, relationships with the boss, clients and employees. Already at the second session, Mary told me to feel better and have a day at work with a little 'more lightly, and who were also improved relations with some people who saw normally.
We continued the work begun by another integration on his laziness, his lack of elasticity, his internal attitude in dealing with work and all of its strengths. Eventually Mary told me that he really felt "very very light" and added he had never even thought about how many problems we carry with us and that our attitudes do go wrong external situations. This was for her a source of much astonishment. Moreover, he never thought that his leg problems could depend on his job situation.
Then I did burst into laughter when he said: "Bravo Andrea, if you were not there, have to invent." How can you not laugh with a sentence like that?
***** I wish to let all your emotions flowing *****
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