The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "relate to simplicity" - No 35 -
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Darling / or
today I would continue the disquisition on the subject of reports to give a bit 'of knowledge with respect to issues that develop in this context.
Our relationship, of any character they are, are developed around three main poles:
1) Affinity - because I feel close to another person
2) common reality - everything that I share with the other person (rooms, people, things)
3) Communication - everything I do "switch" between the two of us (words, gestures, behavior - verbal or nonverbal)
The similarities may be conscious or unconscious. Sometimes we know and we can explain to us why we like a person (be it a friend, a boyfriend / girlfriend, a colleague or other). Sometimes we can not very well explain why a person like us, but despite what we like.
How many times have I heard, for example: "My husband / wife is not beautiful / a, not smart, but I like it, has something that makes me pleased. " This alchemy takes place in spite of our rationality.
Reality municipality is represented by all types of interest that I share with the other person. Surely you will come across a colleague's work, for example, that you would ever come close if not every day that I will / found the same in your office and you need to share aspects of work. Gradually, as time passes, get to know him / and from this knowledge might produce friendships, loves, shares of other aspects (such as sports, children, holidays, etc..), Or dislikes, aversions and so on. The common reality sometimes acts as the glue, to bond.
Communications is the most important issue that certainly makes the most impact between us and others. We always communicate to another: there is never a moment in the day when we do not communicate. The communication is not just verbal, it is also non-verbal. Our bodies already announced on its own, without the use of the word. Our actions, our attitudes, our postures tell us much more than we realize.
From studies done in recent times, it appears that verbal communication is about 7% of our entire community. And 'this impressive figure, if we think of all the rivers of words that we spend our days to come messages that we want it to others. The experts tell us rather than our community of over a facial expression or body that thousands of words.
To me this situation is well known, not so much knowledge, but from experience: Every day I happen to experience some dissonance between what people tell me and what I express with gestures, visual or vocal expressions, postures body etc.. This does not mean that I have to do every day with people lying, but simply shows how much people do not realize that what they say and what they think deeply (or is present in the depths of their own) at odds.
Many times our words longer express what we want it to be, not what is really present within us. In this game of mirrors, we end up messed up and mistaken for real what is illusion or desire with what is real and tangible within us.
A mess, right? In all this we find solace in the energy integration, which does a good job in sorting out many tangled skeins. The stimulus of our state power, or realize the dissociation of mind from false beliefs or assumptions, puts an end to many problems with our communication, first in ourselves and then to others.
Returning for a moment at the opening speech, it is necessary that the three elements mentioned, are in equilibrium with each other, otherwise our relations will suffer, the real attraction, however, is communication and it is on this that it is often convenient to work to improve our relations. Through communication you can also access Conscenza the other two aspects.
continue to talk about relationships in future emails. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely using energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
Peter was a boy of about twenty-five years and the problem was evident on the face acne problem that gave him no particular problems, apart from a little 'itchy sometimes. It looked like a confident and strong as his handshake, even if its physical structure and waving tiny would say instead that there was insecurity in him.
Even during the interview you experience these two aspects, at times firm and sure, sometimes evasive and uncertain. His thoughts revolved around acne and what he believes in the limited relationships. When I saw the interview still could not manage to make clear the causes of all this, I decided to start working with energy integration.
Almost immediately raised the issue of his insecurity, because he felt insecure in the approach with the opposite sex. A little 'later, emerged the aspects of his relationship with his mother and how she gives him insecurity as choose and decide for him all the time. Later, he emerged as he felt undermined by the attitudes of the mother and this caused a lack of confidence in himself and an inability to make their own choices.
was during the session following that at some point, Peter had the image of a mask, red full of dark spots. I asked for further explanations regarding this form, and gradually emerged a number of elements on the subject. The mask was his acne and represented the first attempt to hide his insecurity and from another point of view, a way to keep women away, people experienced as frustrating and castrating. In this way, the mask will help him not feel compelled to address a situation where he would feel a loser from the start, given his great fear of failure.
We had to work for a while 'on all these aspects, such as reciting a rosary that sooner or later it ends. And so, Peter finally began to flourish, freed from its deep limiting beliefs and stimulated in the 'go ahead with its forces and decisions. As Peter took important decisions for him, even his acne and decreased slowly after a few months went away completely. But what was really important, as I said, so he decided, was not that there was or there was acne, but he finally turned his soul, who suffered for a long time without him it would make fully into account.
I've told this story, because I saw Peter, a bit of escape, just a few months ago, who told me that he got married and is now almost managerial. Who is more of a managerial has to make safe and accurate at all times?
***** I wish you to improve your relationship every *****