Monday, August 2, 2010

Milena Velba Et Eden More

Art Art Art Integration Project

dance that combines the diversity

Photography by Andrea Angeli
"Those who live on the margins can ignore the normal rules of society but are left hopelessly seduced by the dance that ultimately imposes its laws much more stringent "

Prof. Valentina compartment
Dancetherapy, Milan, MI, Italy
Diploma in Dancetherapy method Maria Fux obtained at the Studio of Creative Dance Dancer Maria Fux, Avenida Callao 289, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Phone: 339 4805033

Valentina compartment is formed in Italian artist and dance therapy at the University of Buenos Aires Creative Dance the Argentine choreographer Maria Fux. Holder of a scholarship for life at the namesake Studio, has completed the entire curriculum and the many years of experience in Argentina under the leadership of Maria Fux who also personally oversaw the supervision. After a long working experience in Argentina has returned to Italy and currently teaches in the city of Milan disclosing the method of Mary in the manner as close as possible to the teachings of Master creator of the original system rehabilitation.

The Labyrinth
several decades and many different countries around the world Dancetherapy was introduced as an artistic tool for recovery and integration into areas of youth, children at risk, battered women, poverty in general. Experience has shown that this body technique, when well applied, can be very seductive to the audience and to attract the attention of the person in distress and to promote their socialiazzazione open, through an integrated therapy with other disciplines, a journey of personal growth and development through the ability to move and express themselves in a balanced manner within a heterogeneous group. All this adds to the advantages, overt motor activity to be well-coded and ancient roots.

the Dancetherapy , which is art and improvisation, is an instrument of effective exchange because when you dance in person must be created and is creating a small revolution: before and after the creative act nothing remains the same. Create body movements with ever new in a setting is highly restraining the overthrow of a body concept of habit or convention resulted in sequence repetitive motor activity, is the courage to invent, to compare the unknown with what is already known. You explore unexpected forms.
Photography by Andrea Angeli
He claimed Isadora Duncan: "Listen to music with the soul. Do not you feel an inner self awakening inside? E 'for him that the head stands erect, the arms are raised, you walk slowly towards the light. It is this awakening the first step of the dance as I understand it. "
Starting from the simple movement of the body with the Dancetherapy you can achieve greater social inclusion, better recognition of its place in the group, is a gateway to the outside world, passing through the "limit" and frees the creativity and freedom is what we are really no restrictions of any kind.
activity practice seeks to strengthen the axis between art and education, psychological and intellectual development, socialization and communication.
Photography by Andrea Angeli
Among the key objectives of the workshop of dance:
experiment and develop the teamwork
The body acquires knowledge of the "limit", not as something to be destroyed, but as a possibility and freedom of expression, emphasizing the aspects of acceptance, trust and security.
Recognition of space you and the other as a precondition to express themselves.
Learning observation of their movement and that of companion while the body expresses through Dancetherapy quelloche is, feelings and desires.
discover that dancing improves mood, helps you manage your aggression and decreases the sense of impotence: assessment of emotional state before the dance lesson and after the meeting to answer the question of dance ... "I can through the movement and art to improve my quality of life?"
develop sensitivity through empathy and understanding of music always different and conflicting with each other.
Learning, within this aesthetic, for the realization of the basic skills such as: order, cleanliness, silence, resistance management to comply with the delivery, error correction and Acceptance of failure.
promote the development of the attitude of resilience (ability to rise above adversity, adapt, recover access to a productive and meaningful life despite trauma) through dance and hone the skill to perform all those actions that promote this capacity.
"The Dance of coping is to know positively"
Life often presents itself as a labyrinth that we fear. We can all find a way out that making the right decisions are those listed by the limit. Limit driving without betray us, gives us confidence! ... The Dancetherapy may be a thread, very nice, very artistic, to lead us from the inside toward the outside.

Prof. Valentina compartment
Phone: 339 4805033

of dance lessons for adults, children, third and fourth age, disability, psychiatric distress, anxiety disorders, actors, dancers; training workshops for teachers and music education to correct bad habits in listening to music and develop a greater sensitivity in perception of sound. Improvisation techniques for the body and bodily action: methodology Maria Fux, this system is the most complete and satisfying for everyone who uses improvisation and creativity as working tool or for anyone who needs access to the movement through the emotion and the non-repetition, the only way to generate change. As an added benefit for everyone to enjoy the pleasure of moving one's body without the use of choreographic patterns, by vibrating their inner world in total freedom in relation to space and content group, but always by the millennial experience of dance.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Woke Up With Nut Pain

marginalization and social exclusion

Lorenteggio Milan - Photo by Latent @ Flickr

Prof. Valentina compartment
Dancetherapy, Milan - Milan - Italy
Diploma in Dancetherapy method Maria Fux obtained at the Studio of Creative Dance Dancer Maria Fux, Avenida Callao 289, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Phone: 339 4805033

Valentina compartment is formed in Italian artist and dance therapy at the University of Buenos Aires Creative Dance the Argentine choreographer Maria Fux. Holder of a scholarship for life at the namesake Studio, has completed the entire curriculum and the many years of experience in Argentina under the leadership of Maria Fux who also personally oversaw the supervision. After a long working experience in Argentina has returned to Italy and currently teaches in the city of Milan disclosing the method of Mary in the manner as close as possible to the teachings of Master creator of the original system rehabilitation.

Social exclusion

to social exclusion means the exclusion from the life of collettivittà persons or groups that do not conform to normal. Normal the individual or the behavior that corresponds to the dominant values \u200b\u200bfor that social group in a given time and at a certain place, the disease that puts them into question. In the face of subjects with different characteristics and behaviors or deviant, the company responds by repelling and excluding them emotionally or physically.
Marianna (not to play with the gypsies in the woods newbrigand / )
Unlike Any physical, psychological, racial, religious, sexual, generational, territorial and professional, expressive, opinions or beliefs may be identified and used as a mechanism of discrimination: anyone who differs perceptibly from the 'norm 'of a population can become subject to more or less subtle forms of social exclusion and, ultimately, intolerance.
marginalized groups typically suffer from various forms of disadvantage: poverty, unemployment, disease, low levels of education. There is also more exposed to the effect of unfavorable environmental conditions, further diminishing their ability to adapt. When living conditions become unsustainable, exclusion can lead to serious situations of social conflict among members of a community.
Exclusion involves the whole psychic life of the individual and his relationships. The condition of loneliness and exclusion is introjected, and has consequences on how the person perceives, imagines, thinks, remembers, causes the same pain of physical trauma. Who is 'out of scope' tends to be invisible in the collective representations and then to devalue their own identity and, unfortunately, is becoming increasingly difficult to gain acceptance.
(taken from an article by Prof. Vera Marzi)

Prof.ssa Valentina Vano
phone: 339 4805033

of dance lessons for adults, children, third and fourth age, disability, psychiatric distress, anxiety disorders, actors, dancers, training workshops for teachers and music education to correct bad habits in listening to music and develop a greater sensitivity in perception of sound. Improvisation techniques for the body and bodily action: methodology Maria Fux, this system is the most complete and satisfying for everyone who uses improvisation and creativity as a tool for work or for anyone who needs access to the movement through emotion and non-repetition, the only way to generate change. How benefit Additional everyone can enjoy the pleasure of moving one's body without the use of choreographic patterns, by vibrating their inner world in total freedom in relation to space and content group, but always by the millennial experience of dance.