Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Free Cross Stitch Junior Cert Patterns

Integration Project Integration Project Integration

Testimonials value from Calabria

Photography by Ruy Palha http://flickr.com/photos/ruipalha/

Prof. Valentina compartment
Dancetherapy, Milan, MI, Italy
Diploma in Dancetherapy method Maria Fux obtained at the Studio of Creative Dance Dancer Maria Fux, Avenida Callao 289, Buenos Aires ( Argentina)
Phone: 339 4805033

Valentina is a vain artist dance therapy and Italian formed in Buenos Aires at the University of the Creative Dance Argentine choreographer Maria Fux. Holder of a scholarship for life at the namesake Studio, has completed the entire curriculum and the many years of experience in Argentina under the leadership of Maria Fux who also personally oversaw the supervision. After a long working experience in Buenos Aires is back in Italy and currently teaches in the city of Milan disclosing the method of Mary in the manner as close as possible to the teachings of Master creator of the original system rehabilitation.

Dancetherapy, application contexts: evidence of value from Calabria
( Thanks for the kind of testimony colleagues www.ragionlus.com in particular the President Dr. Elena Sodano sponsoring the initiative)
We are worth? ... No .... We are worth Poli ...!
The Poli ... We are worth stems from a synergy between the Association Ra.Gi. Didactic and IV of Catanzaro ruled by Teresa Rizzo. It is supported by the Provincial Activities Industry and Economics, City by the Department of Culture and Youth and by the Department for Education City.
The Centre was established in November 2007, when the school gates "Chimirri" in Via Domenico Marincola Pistoia in Catanzaro are open to children and adolescents, along with many families, organizations and institutions of the territory . The Center embraces a user Poli ... We are worth living in deprived south of the city of Catanzaro, but is open to the entire population of the province of Catanzaro.
To date, we are worth POLI ... involves more than 400 people, including a good percentage of foreigners (Sinhalese, Romanian, Polish, Roma, Belarusian, Chinese, Moroccans, Albanians). The Center also offers a space for children suffering from various diseases and disabilities in order to promote integration.
The "POLE CENTER ... we are worth" does not pose, in fact, limits the type of user who intends to embrace.

Catanzaro (photo by freemove www.flickr.com/photos/sinestesis/ )
Special attention goes to the world of youth. Besides them, however, adults and seniors are free to take this course in their city.
Particular attention, however, is given to families to create a family attentive to their needs and problems of each member, with a view of educational development and neglect the feelings that pulse at the household level, often castrated fear or shame of their part girl. Parents are learning to be closer to the growth of their children, building along the path of every young person.
The "POLE CENTER We are worth ..." Moreover, since its birth, it is proposed to network with schools, institutions, territory.
seeker free Several laboratories set up at the Centre and made by various professionals: Laboratory of Breack Dance, Hip Hop, Tae Kwon Do, Ballet and Modern Art, Creativity, Emotional Literacy, Creative Movement and DanzaMovimentoTerapia, etc..
The team of Ra.Gi. is formed by Elena Sodano Dancetherapy in training APID, Giusy Genovese psychologist, Maria Rosaria Siviero Gestalt Psychotherapist and Art Therapist, Luana Colicchia Operator and Alessandra Cacia educator.
were also provided for the families of the "space of encounter-confrontation" with various medical experts.
Thanks again for the kind of testimony colleagues www.ragionlus.com in particular the President Dr. Elena Sodano sponsoring the initiative.

Prof. Valentina compartment
Phone: 339 4805033

of dance lessons for adults, children, third and fourth age, disability, psychiatric distress, anxiety disorders, actors, dancers, training workshops for teachers and music education to correct bad habits in 'listening to the music and develop a greater sensitivity in perception sound. Improvisation techniques for the body and bodily action: methodology Maria Fux, this system is the most complete and satisfying for everyone who uses improvisation and creativity as a tool for work or for anyone who needs access to the movement through emotion and non-repetition, the only way to generate change. As an added benefit for everyone to enjoy the pleasure of moving one's body without the use of choreographic patterns, by vibrating their inner world in total freedom in relation to space and content group, but always by the millennial experience of dance.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Love and barbers and personal changes

The Andrea Parimbelli the free newsletter "to understand his own being" - No 39
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Darling / or,
sometimes we realize that something gone wrong, or that our life is not happy. Apparently we want change, we would be more relaxed and at the same time more alive. Although we say we want a different life, wanted to improve ourselves, we realize that we continue to move forward in the same way. Without knowing it, there's some part of us that resists all change and every effort has boycotted processing.
Sometimes we get the commitment, squeeze all our will, we head-a decision that seems important to us, which we feel is in the direction of a turn to finally give our daily lives and try to pursue this new context with everything ourselves.
For a while things seem to go in the desired direction, then the mechanism slows, attention decreases and with it the commitment. We believe that our new purpose is only a commitment to more than tuti others with which we have to do every day. Slowly everything is as before.
How many times each of us has found similar experiences to do ?!!?! Depressing but real. Well, we are accustomed to thinking that every one can change our only take place through hard work that has to last for a long time. In my experience I must say that yes, sometimes it works with the commitment, but in most cases its not, there's no way to produce that much desired change.
I am sure that at this point, some of you will be saying that maybe it was not just put the effort in trying to achieve that desire. Although this might be true in some cases. In most situations, however, the change does not happen because, prior to external change, a change must take place within us, a change of energy type.
Only when our thoughts, our emotions and our state tally energy, are synchronized, they can happen in real life that often we hope these improvements in our lives. Often, the rational side wants or decides something, but it is facing the other hidden parts and certainly not conscious. The tragedy in all this is that not being aware of what drives us indoors, we convince ourselves that a decision is sufficient to achieve our desires. In fact, our past experiences create memories, which are fished every time there is an occurrence or event even remotely similar, and if memory is here that the restriction limiting occurs again.
in neuroscience is very well explained the process that leads to the desire (which is often caused by an external event) to its fulfillment in life.
too many years ago I was amazed by how many layers need to be overcome within ourselves before we get to the final realization. At each step or layer may lurk a number of obstacles that deflect us from our intent and that block its realization at some point in the path.
is why many people face the same kinds of experiences (possibly negative), the same type reports of unsatisfactory, the same types of problems and fail to comprehend how this is possible, though times have changed, the environments as well, the experience also ... But those problems persist and induce the person to resign and live that way unsatisfactory for the rest of his days.
energy integration comes in handy on these types of dynamics, and helps us to easily demolish these structures, we have never knowingly failed to resolve.
energy integration easily helps us to align our thoughts with our emotions, restructuring our energy state. This is possible, and at times seems magical precisely because the approach is not rational or logical, but it is up and working on the gaming power, which is the repository of all those patterns and structures and limiting depotenzianti that we carry from who knows how long.
With the help of energy integration occur those internal changes that are the exact prelude for our exterior changes, which at this point no longer require a hard effort on our part, but occur very easily, as if the most natural thing in the world.
Sometimes people do not even notice the change that has occurred, notice it when I make him This way they were being treated.
The belief that everything must be done with the effort means that people do not notice the change if that happens naturally.
Even for me it was shocking and disturbing to discover these processes.
the next.
Hugs Andrea

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