The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for learning to love and love " - No. 41 -
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Darling / or
I received a question on the topic of my latest newsletter, and as usual, I say publicly, so that the answer may be to the benefit of all.
invite everyone to do more often questions and not keep them inside, as has often been used to. After all, it's all "free", so the only obligation on your part is just to send an email. Simple, no? J
The question is: "If we find that you have lack of affection, what can be done to resolve the situation? "
To answer this question, we must as always go inside of him and do some 'of the situation, to determine where, how, when and with whom you have this problem.
The real question is, if we have a problem with this is because within us our thoughts and our way of behavior continues to cause that problem. No, not a matter of luck or bad luck if we have that problem. In other words, our domestic energy situation when it is disturbed in our outer world produces situations that we do not like.
This does not mean we have to stab it with guilt ("Oh God! 'S my fault if I did not love !!!!). No, it means that within us is doing something, consciously or unconsciously, that produces this problem. Very often it is fear: fear of not being loved the effect of not being loved.
The fear of not being loved very often brings with it another major fear: the fear of being abandoned. Imagine what can happen to a / a boy / girl that is not autosuffiente if it is abandoned, dying, probably.
So the fear of not being loved the underlying fear of abandonment, and this underlies the fear of dying.
All this happens infancy, but we carry these emotions in the adult world if we are not aware, and yet as adults we are self-sufficient and we have all the resources to survive and even to live!
This is just one example, the problem can take many other different aspects for each of us.
In the last email I suggested the exercise to ask how to love themselves more
(and then put into practice, of course). It may seem trivial, but for how trivial it may seem, triggering a process of this kind becomes effective across the board on our energy system. We have within us a process called generalization, which functions in positive or negative. Then, begin to introduce a new process that triggers positive processes, triggers a chain reaction positive in every area of \u200b\u200bour lives (when we love most are willing to love even more. This does not mean that we can love others even if we do not like enough ourselves, but in this case, often love others only for and then do not make us love selfless love, which is the true source of genuine love)
This is a process that you can do by yourself. If you are experiencing difficulties in implementing this simple thing, because of other obstacles in the energy system, you can ask for help Integrating Energy, a process very great for breaking all the internal ballast.
By identifying the elements involved in doing a problem and therefore a bit 'of clean energy here that turn the negativity into inner resources and restore the normal energetic processes that are put in act in our relations.
In this way we come to the transformation of our problem in an automatic way, without being involved in things to do or burdened with new procedures in an attempt to overcome the problem.
energy integration turns out to be magic to transform the negative processes within us into new opportunities, which are a magnet to other positive opportunities, creating a positive ripple effect. So why not solve the root problems?
Good transformation. A hug