The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "create your own reality" - No 26 - __________________________________________________
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Darling / or
today we will talk about another part of the argument in subject, another point of view, but obviously not that far away from what we said in the last two mails.
Previously we talked about how the mind creates "negative." Any thoughts reductive can create a cascade of reactions and behaviors that go against our interest, even if we do not want it. Our thoughts catalyzes the energy and attracts to us what the thought expressed in his assumptions.
Similarly, the brain can become positive productive, if we begin to incorporate more and more positive thoughts. The mechanism is the same.
If we repeatedly positive thinking in our mind is very likely that every day you create a trace in our brain that will attract things to us, situations and positive events for us.
If we take the reins of our situation, we can gradually set on a more positive way, which in turn will produce more beneficial effects for us.
As in any good home, the process begins by cleaning. It 's convenient to first clear our negative thoughts and limiting, and then begin to produce chains of thoughts that go in the direction of our benefit or welfare. Hardly does the opposite process. What we said to the thoughts, applies equally well to the emotions. Let me give an example.
If I start to produce in me the thought "I want to be happy" but spend the day pissed off the time and never misses an opportunity to criticize everyone and everything that goes under my eyes, seldom become a happy person. It 's very best, first of all to clean all the criticism and anger that I produce each day and then begin to produce positive thoughts.
energy integration does a good job of cleaning to do this connection and, as I said in one of the first newsletters, manages very well to be "proactive", ie to promote the positive aspects that we have and where are we. The assumption is obviously to make a good initial cleaning. 'S understandable that you can decorate a room from scratch if we have not first took all the furniture was old and ugly that content.
Many mystics or not, have said the same phrase: "if you want to change (your) world, change yourself." Good thinking ... and the next. A hug
PS: in the speech of congratulations for the new year of 2007, Amma, an incredible spiritual teacher of our day, said the following sentences that carry you " Begin to work to achieve your dreams. With good thoughts and good deeds, we can create positive vibes for the whole world. " Good meditation! :-)
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Estate, vacation time, more time to dedicate to our body, at which time gives away more and more attention is paid also to the bodies of others. As a result, it is more likely to awaken in us, too primal appetites, of which sexuality is only the second in order of importance.
Giusy had come to me for another reason, but as we worked with the Integration Energy, emerged very clearly and suddenly he had a clear rejection of sexuality, that is, making love with her husband. Since
sex, at least in its natural conditions, the materialization of our love for one person, I thought it appropriate to address the topic, first asking the consent of the person of course.
I was amazed at how normal she considers her situation and even more of how her husband had been able to willingly accept this matter. However, obviously, I avoided to investigate how her husband had come to accept this and I focused in particular on the inner dynamics of Giuseppe. I asked for information on the
its earlier reports, and confirmed to me that for her to have sex with a man he had always been a hassle, indeed, did not like their own and to be honest, told me that it sucked and that also put a bit of apprehension. The situation was getting to me more and more singular and enigmatic.
I took a few questions about the period of adolescence and his early relationship did not emerge but nothing significant. Then I have a question about his relationship with religion, with priests, etc.. but even there he drew not a spider hole. I also asked if the family was something weird about sexuality and even here there were no significant situations. At one point, not knowing what ask, I thought good to start practicing a bit 'of energy integration on the concept that sex was disgusting.
I did not hold anything significant happened, but the third or fourth step Giusy was clear in his mind the image of a fish. My questions about what they could mean that fish did not know what to say. So I continued to work with the Integration and the next step Giusy saw in his mind a scene from her childhood. He remembered when, with his mother, accompanied dad to fish on Sundays during the summer months.
I was glad of what was going on, but still I was not clear that there was link between these pictures and his problem. After some further round of staking energy points, Giusy had an emotional reaction of anxiety and agitation and a clear picture of her holding a freshly caught fish alive, struggling vigorously. In one image there was anxiety, fear, loathing and disgust of a girl who had to catch a slippery fish that his father had not been able to grasp, because the thread was tangled.
Giuseppe told me that things had happened a few times when she was little and that each time ended this experience with all that heavy load of negative emotion that just mentioned. He also said that occasionally ate fish, but only if it was cooked by others because She was impossible to keep a fish in his hand, though dead, if not resulting in emotional storm.
What has this to do with sexuality? Simple! The unconscious, who works in analog, had united the fish with the males (confirmed it herself, though she had never thought in these terms) and not to relive every time that load all negative emotions had created everything that lack of interest in sexual relations, away from the ball to his total self-protection. His unconscious had reached the goal, but the state's energy Giusy was certainly disturbed by the failure of not being able to have a satisfying sexual relationship. After
some more 'Integration, the release occurred and was now proposed to allow at least three weeks before we meet again, to allow his power to compose and to see what would happen in the continuation of time.
When we met again, his face was completely changed and told me that she seemed to be experiencing a new and better adolescence. She and her husband looked like two innamoratini for the first time they discover the tenderness of 'love and relationship with their bodies. The phobia he had now gone and Giusy, thrilled with the results obtained on this issue, he continued to work on other problems that I had submitted earlier.
***** I wish to walk in a more positive direction for you *****
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