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The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "integrate all of our parts" - No 33 -
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Darling / or
this newsletter was not forecast, I thought of sending her on vacation until after the Epiphany, but since I received two objections to the previous mail, I take this opportunity responding not only to make you my best wishes for a Happy New Year 2009.
The first objection is: "you speak of thoughts and feelings no longer."
Ah, ah, ah, Andrea, and sometimes are a bit 'distracted! ! ! Yes, I admit, I'm lost in the explanation of the dynamics of emotions and thoughts in relation to I forgot to continue the discussion on feelings.
Ok, I do now.
The feelings are the language of our body: it communicates with us in this way, making us "feel" a certain way at a given time and in a certain situation. The sensitive language of our bodies is perhaps the area least explored of all our be, together with knowledge of the brain (ever wonder that one day you discover that these two aspects are intimately connected to each other!). Moreover, while the emotions have specific names, the feelings have remained vague in our spoken language, so sometimes we feel a certain way but we do not know how to describe.
Since there are no specific studies on this, I can only cite my thirty years experience of psychosomatic physical practices. Our bodies produce feelings all the time, but maybe we are not as accustomed to hear and especially to recognize them. Very often then, the feelings immediately trigger thoughts and emotions, creating a sometimes inextricable tangle.
an example. If someone caresses my belly, I feel that physical sensation? It 'hard to describe, there are no words in the language that defines that feeling. Usually you can say is nice, it is pleasant or ugly, is ugly, nothing more.
The fact that someone stroke my belly, nearly always speak our mind, which he interprets that fact in a subjective way. If it was my wife who caress me, my mind might say, ah, how nice, my wife loves me, loves me. If you were a friend to do the same thing, maybe my mind would say that shit, I check how much fat I have accumulated recently :-))
The physical sensation is the same and different interpretations. Moreover, in this second case is that I can record those thoughts in a way that will happen the next time, my thoughts will trigger a negative reaction to that event. So my thoughts, my mind is able to modify the reaction to the feelings and the next time I will have a negative feeling when I am caressed her belly from a friend :-))
The fact itself is neutral-positive; if we could be exempted from any kind of vision, or interpretation of previous experience, the feeling of stroking on his stomach we would feel pleasantly well. The construction, by enabling their mental filters can modify or even reverse the situation.
In the work of energy integration, many times I've pointed out the negative feedback on feelings that in itself was positive, and it gave off a chain of thoughts / emotions ... I guess' how? Of course, negative and destructive. Then with the technique, everything was rebalanced and defused.
The second clarification I was asked is: "If I am sad because my husband beats me, they are faced with an objective cause, right?"
The objective causes are more rare than you think and faced with an objective cause we are confident that the case is External although we can make appropriate subdivisions.
The fact that my husband beats me (I hope it is just an example and the reader does not have these problems!) Is the real objective fact. I'm sad it is a subjective reaction (although understandable). Faced with this fact, I could "react" in a thousand different ways: with anger, resignation, fear, violence, etc.. etc.. The fact that I react with sadness is subjective and can have a special meaning for me. Moreover, this kind of emotional reaction will certainly influence the decisions I make (assuming they take) to solve or get out of this situation.
working on a fact as with this energy integration techniques, it should be to balance all aspects of the situation and then the person will be freer and more able to make appropriate choices to get out of that situation. A hug
***** Have a wonderful New Year 2 0 0 9 *****
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The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "make peace with their emotions"
- No 32 -
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Darling / or
resume once again 'argument "emotions" I think it really is too important and very important in our lives, as emotions are always present.
days ago I read an article on new trends in neuroscience and I was struck by a sentence in which it was said openly that the researchers and the medical world considers the emotions can not be rationalized, that is incomprehensible in their origin or where it is not possible to give a rational explanation .
I have not yet been able to compare with other scholars, but in my experience of energy integration can say that emotions are spiegabilissime (if you want to do, even if the integration of energy is not at all necessary).
First, we can say that emotions are generated from two different aspects: the thoughts and feelings. Sometimes contribute both aspects together. In the case of thoughts, we can say that emotions are nothing more than a summary of the sometimes very long chain of thoughts, of which we see only the beginning and the end, the beginning is the root cause, the end is represented by 'emotion itself, which is simply the result of a trigger. We no longer know or have forgotten the middle part, that is, those steps necessary to bring us from cause to effect. Forgetting the intermediate processes, automatically cause the effect, without which we can intervene to change the situation.
Here's an example to be clearer. I see a spider. This small be a few million times smaller than us, someone makes a terrible fear or even panic. E 'justifiable? No, of course, our power is so great that a creature so small it can be destroyed in less than a second.
But what is the possible chain of thought that leads to that emotion? Let's take a possible example. I know that spiders pluck, bite. I remember my cousin who had a swollen arm for 15 days, had a lot of pain and crying. I do not want to be bitten. I will not feel bad. I want to get as far away as possible from that being despicable. Etc. etc ... ... ...
Our brain, which tends to synthesize to work more quickly, store that spiders are dangerous and reacting with fear will make it safe from possible dangers. So ... a spider = fear, panic. And no matter if there are any spiders do not bite: once the process started, as a result of generalization, we are afraid of spiders and anything that resembles him.
In other words, we can say that emotions are a kind of neuroassociazioni, training or structure of thought (and neurons) whose emotions are a synthesis of bio-psychological. In integrating
Energy, through the stimulation of energy points or more, we do not need to rebuild and develop back all kinds of thoughts that have gave rise to that emotion (though very often do not emerge by themselves, during treatment), but their relationship is simply disconnected and then defused the reaction or emotion.
is why energy drinks is a fast reaction or even in very complex structures, there is no need to do further investigation or analysis. Enough to work directly on the basic facts (= spider fear). Later, working on everything that emerges during treatment, but only if it is of such importance that need restructuring to solve the problem.
Through energy integration, the emotions are uncontrollable and processes for which no You can make a change; gestibilissime are perhaps never more manageable now, and how we can restore all those that bother us, though often we feel that the cause of our negative emotions are attributed to others and not to our neuroassociazioni.
I would say that the real deterrent in wanting to recognize and be willing to restructure our negative emotions is the fact that we are firmly convinced that the fault / cause of which is due to the behavior of others and not to the processes that we have produced in ourselves.
To bypass this obstacle, it is sufficient just to want to feel better and make positive changes that lead us to a better quality of our lives. A hug
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***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened
, which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Dora contact me after reading some of my newsletters to send him a friend. It 's a good-looking lady in her forties, and I ask for help because for some years now is still very tired, has difficulty in climbing stairs and doing any little effort has frequent heart palpitations.
He says he has done a bit 'all the clinical examinations, from which it has not revealed much. He also tried to take some time for herbal supplements to increase energy, which gave him a momentary relief, but as the quantity reduces or stops taking them lies in the type of symptoms we were talking about earlier.
Dora feels a little 'exasperated by the situation and believes that at his age is not yet time to feel so down. From the interview it emerged that it had happened a year before even intestinal bleeding, not serious but with a little 'of bleeding detectable in excretions. To me, all these symptoms were thought to form an anemic and she confirmed that in some previous tests, the values \u200b\u200bwere on the lower limit of tolerance but not in the warning zone, which is why the doctor did not consider it appropriate to give drugs eligible but only advice on nutrition.
proceeded with my techniques to explore situations that held up this state of affairs. I began to apply the procedures and energy integration in talks between practice and the other, it emerged that Dora proceeded in life with great effort in everything he did, that it was work, family or whatever.
I wondered and asked what could be the reason for this, and she said that it was normal, almost as if he were asking a very strange thing. Asking questions and talking, I discovered that she felt to deal with situations alone, without ever asking anyone for help and on the other hand told me to feel a sense of abandonment.
A feeling of discouragement, also associated with a creeping little desire to live, emerged clearly when Dora told me / asked: "If everything in my life is so hard and heavy, you might as well call it quits, not do you think? "I replied that that was the only way she had learned to deal with situations of life.
seemed heartened by what my answer and then continued to give her a bit 'of energy integration to break these patterns of life. It was at one point that a lot of memories surfaced in his mind and Dora remembered as a child was often left home alone when his parents went to work,
and were given the tasks to be performed at home and had to be done to perfection , otherwise receive many scolded or spanked or punished.
His way of life had become: "I do everything well alone and if not I hurt and I did not love their parents." This pattern had become the leitmotif of his whole life, she unconsciously applied to any event or circumstances.
Proceeding with energy integration, began to develop a feeling of lightness that borders on a sense of pleasure at all unusual for her. Even breathing became deeper and more pleasant, even to the point where she is because of the capacitive breathing so deeply and pleasantly.
Freed from these heavy burdens, Dora began to live in a different way and above all imbued with a new freedom to decide from time to time what he wanted or did not want to do or be, what they liked or disliked. This had a positive effect in all areas of his life.
***** I wish you to persevere in your personal improvement *****
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