Saturday, December 27, 2008

What's The Best Cleanser And Toner To Use

causes dedicated ourselves

The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "integrate all of our parts" - No 33 -
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Darling / or
this newsletter was not forecast, I thought of sending her on vacation until after the Epiphany, but since I received two objections to the previous mail, I take this opportunity responding not only to make you my best wishes for a Happy New Year 2009.

The first objection is: "you speak of thoughts and feelings no longer."
Ah, ah, ah, Andrea, and sometimes are a bit 'distracted! ! ! Yes, I admit, I'm lost in the explanation of the dynamics of emotions and thoughts in relation to I forgot to continue the discussion on feelings.
Ok, I do now.

The feelings are the language of our body: it communicates with us in this way, making us "feel" a certain way at a given time and in a certain situation. The sensitive language of our bodies is perhaps the area least explored of all our be, together with knowledge of the brain (ever wonder that one day you discover that these two aspects are intimately connected to each other!). Moreover, while the emotions have specific names, the feelings have remained vague in our spoken language, so sometimes we feel a certain way but we do not know how to describe.

Since there are no specific studies on this, I can only cite my thirty years experience of psychosomatic physical practices. Our bodies produce feelings all the time, but maybe we are not as accustomed to hear and especially to recognize them. Very often then, the feelings immediately trigger thoughts and emotions, creating a sometimes inextricable tangle.

an example. If someone caresses my belly, I feel that physical sensation? It 'hard to describe, there are no words in the language that defines that feeling. Usually you can say is nice, it is pleasant or ugly, is ugly, nothing more.
The fact that someone stroke my belly, nearly always speak our mind, which he interprets that fact in a subjective way. If it was my wife who caress me, my mind might say, ah, how nice, my wife loves me, loves me. If you were a friend to do the same thing, maybe my mind would say that shit, I check how much fat I have accumulated recently :-))

The physical sensation is the same and different interpretations. Moreover, in this second case is that I can record those thoughts in a way that will happen the next time, my thoughts will trigger a negative reaction to that event. So my thoughts, my mind is able to modify the reaction to the feelings and the next time I will have a negative feeling when I am caressed her belly from a friend :-))

The fact itself is neutral-positive; if we could be exempted from any kind of vision, or interpretation of previous experience, the feeling of stroking on his stomach we would feel pleasantly well. The construction, by enabling their mental filters can modify or even reverse the situation.

In the work of energy integration, many times I've pointed out the negative feedback on feelings that in itself was positive, and it gave off a chain of thoughts / emotions ... I guess' how? Of course, negative and destructive. Then with the technique, everything was rebalanced and defused.

The second clarification I was asked is: "If I am sad because my husband beats me, they are faced with an objective cause, right?"
The objective causes are more rare than you think and faced with an objective cause we are confident that the case is External although we can make appropriate subdivisions.

The fact that my husband beats me (I hope it is just an example and the reader does not have these problems!) Is the real objective fact. I'm sad it is a subjective reaction (although understandable). Faced with this fact, I could "react" in a thousand different ways: with anger, resignation, fear, violence, etc.. etc.. The fact that I react with sadness is subjective and can have a special meaning for me. Moreover, this kind of emotional reaction will certainly influence the decisions I make (assuming they take) to solve or get out of this situation.

working on a fact as with this energy integration techniques, it should be to balance all aspects of the situation and then the person will be freer and more able to make appropriate choices to get out of that situation. A hug


***** Have a wonderful New Year 2 0 0 9 *****


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