The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "free love within us" - No 38 - __________________________________________________
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Darling / or
in the previous mail I mentioned the concept that " 'Love is that state of being in which our personal situation allows the energy to enter, leave and expand in all directions without hindrance "
It' s a concept a bit 'special and which I think requires a bit 'more than an explanation, even judging by the comments I received on the matter.
At birth we receive a body generally in good condition and fully functional in all its parts. If we think about it, a body is in excellent condition only if all its parts work well. This means that over time we should continue to keep all our organs in good condition.
Now, in the course of our lives we run into a number of imbalances, due to bad physical habits (such as unbalanced diet), incorrect behavior (which affects both the physical and emotions), incorrect ways of thinking (which may affect negative effect on the mind, emotions and physical), compromising external events (eg trauma) that can change a negative mental and emotional planes. And 'course, as said, that if I'm on an imbalance of these plans, also adversely affected the rest of our being.
In oriental everything was very clear even several millennia ago. In fact, in these philosophies, to the various organs of the body are also associated with their emotions. If emotion is unbalanced or an organ is imbalanced, will suffer even more so gradually the other parties, creating imbalances cascade.
In addition, our life on this planet, we submit two streams main power: that which comes from below (earth energy and water) and that which comes from (energy of space and air). These two major energies find their balance in the heart (which is related to the fire element, and joy). It 'easy to imagine that if there is imbalance on even one of these elements, there is also trouble on the rest, and in particular their point of equilibrium.
continue and take into consideration other factors, we can say that the body of the liver is combined with the emotion of anger, anxiety, stomach, lung or sadness, anxiety and fears to the kidneys. In summary we therefore say that if the four main bodies are working well it will benefit our hearts. At the same time, only if we have a balanced relationship with our major emotions (anger, fear, anxiety, sadness), we can reach a state of joy (which in its highest expression can be defined as love).
The Heart is a synthesis of transformative energies that we all go through. That's why we love the Heart e. .. not with any other organ.
In all cultures of all time was always present the combination Heart-Love. This indicates that this concept is recognized by all human races.
The importance of balancing one's emotions and thoughts (and consequently our internal organs) is essential for access to a state of pure love. In contrast we can only access a few crumbs or substitute of Love.
In this task of balancing emotional and mental support comes to energy integration, which knows how to bring balance in all those areas that make us or prevent us from suffering to flow with the rhythm of life. Imagine how much new energy joy and love when you try to give you free yourself from your mental and emotional ballast!
Imagine how your relationship can be best in a rebalanced state! The cleanup in us is fundamental to a good life and Integration Energy helps us do this cleaning up at the bottom.
the next. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely using energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Andrew was a nice young man twenty-seven who, unlike his very handsome appearance, he had some 'internal problems. The principle had been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis pancreatic dysfunction and imbalances as well as the digestive organs. Luckily it was an athletic boy and loved to play sports of various kinds and therefore did not lack physical activity, which as everyone knows, it is essential to keep your body in good condition.
Andrea told me that some years before, she met a friend who was very fond of and with whom he shared many youth activities. The pleasure of being with this guy took it a habit to share with him that in time proved detrimental to both. The two boys, when they met, often went to the bar to get a drink and then go to lunch or dinner together.
Unfortunately, these appetizers, drinks were not simple but the cocktails spirits, and so it was that over time they began to show signs of physical discomfort at various levels. The friend had recently been hospitalized for liver syndromes and mild hepatitis, but Andrea was no longer very well, because, as a result of illness had decided a few months before, had clinical examinations and found there were imbalances mentioned above.
But why Andrea had come to me? He suffered a serious hardship for not hiring more spirits. In addition to a lack of emotional distress was a natural, because he lacks those very talks that was full of laughter with his friend when they went to the aperitif. He missed all that pleasant environment that surrounds irresistible vice spirits.
We worked with the energy integration of the various aspects of the story in one sitting and I was able to detach from that Andrea compromising defect drinking. In the meantime, was also restored emotional serenity and now he was conscious and convinced that those good times could be lived and shared without the need to resort to alcohol.
Some time later I saw his mom and he confirmed that Andrew was going on really well and that all health had normalized. Now he was free to live consciously, and the habit of drinking was just a bad memory.
I wanted to tell this story to show how bad habit and extended behavior inappropriately manage to enslave us and harm the health even at high levels, also because of the positive aspects surrounding the whole affair. Andrew, for example, the positive aspects of friendship, confidence, fun had anchored the habit of drinking a certain type of product rather toxic to the body. To get those nice moments had become necessary to resort to alcohol and alcohol pleasure and the couple had become inseparable.
Here I talked about alcohol, but the same types of processes occur in our lives in many different ways. It 's the case with the anxieties, intolerances, phobias, overeating, and various defects in many other cases where an item is inextricably anchored to another and there is no rational way to arrive at a solution and pulled up all those 'Association. In all these cases, the energy integration does a good job to bring the situation back to normal.
***** I hope you find your inner freedom *****
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