Monday, February 7, 2011

Normal Hemoglobin For A 2 Yr Old

[ptrc_000] 7even_Small_V.2_Stable version_715-Mb-2011-

[ptrc_000] MB-2011-7even_Small_V.2_Stable version_715

7even_Small_V.2_Stable version_715 Mb
Final version of the Small.
Increased stability of the system, acquiring a few Mb Plus ...

(old version: 653-Mb)

softwrae.Sicuramente Increase compatibility with some even more stable, the former with about 80MB more system.

Suitable for PC and NetBook with limited potential Hadware
processor 1600/1800MHz
RAM 1 GB (installed with 256).
In installation, making BackUp, promotes the use of software and burner ..

downloads in a single 715Mb ISO file.


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