causes dedicated ourselves
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "integrate all of our parts" - No 33 -
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Darling / or
this newsletter was not forecast, I thought of sending her on vacation until after the Epiphany, but since I received two objections to the previous mail, I take this opportunity responding not only to make you my best wishes for a Happy New Year 2009.
The first objection is: "you speak of thoughts and feelings no longer."
Ah, ah, ah, Andrea, and sometimes are a bit 'distracted! ! ! Yes, I admit, I'm lost in the explanation of the dynamics of emotions and thoughts in relation to I forgot to continue the discussion on feelings.
Ok, I do now.
The feelings are the language of our body: it communicates with us in this way, making us "feel" a certain way at a given time and in a certain situation. The sensitive language of our bodies is perhaps the area least explored of all our be, together with knowledge of the brain (ever wonder that one day you discover that these two aspects are intimately connected to each other!). Moreover, while the emotions have specific names, the feelings have remained vague in our spoken language, so sometimes we feel a certain way but we do not know how to describe.
Since there are no specific studies on this, I can only cite my thirty years experience of psychosomatic physical practices. Our bodies produce feelings all the time, but maybe we are not as accustomed to hear and especially to recognize them. Very often then, the feelings immediately trigger thoughts and emotions, creating a sometimes inextricable tangle.
an example. If someone caresses my belly, I feel that physical sensation? It 'hard to describe, there are no words in the language that defines that feeling. Usually you can say is nice, it is pleasant or ugly, is ugly, nothing more.
The fact that someone stroke my belly, nearly always speak our mind, which he interprets that fact in a subjective way. If it was my wife who caress me, my mind might say, ah, how nice, my wife loves me, loves me. If you were a friend to do the same thing, maybe my mind would say that shit, I check how much fat I have accumulated recently :-))
The physical sensation is the same and different interpretations. Moreover, in this second case is that I can record those thoughts in a way that will happen the next time, my thoughts will trigger a negative reaction to that event. So my thoughts, my mind is able to modify the reaction to the feelings and the next time I will have a negative feeling when I am caressed her belly from a friend :-))
The fact itself is neutral-positive; if we could be exempted from any kind of vision, or interpretation of previous experience, the feeling of stroking on his stomach we would feel pleasantly well. The construction, by enabling their mental filters can modify or even reverse the situation.
In the work of energy integration, many times I've pointed out the negative feedback on feelings that in itself was positive, and it gave off a chain of thoughts / emotions ... I guess' how? Of course, negative and destructive. Then with the technique, everything was rebalanced and defused.
The second clarification I was asked is: "If I am sad because my husband beats me, they are faced with an objective cause, right?"
The objective causes are more rare than you think and faced with an objective cause we are confident that the case is External although we can make appropriate subdivisions.
The fact that my husband beats me (I hope it is just an example and the reader does not have these problems!) Is the real objective fact. I'm sad it is a subjective reaction (although understandable). Faced with this fact, I could "react" in a thousand different ways: with anger, resignation, fear, violence, etc.. etc.. The fact that I react with sadness is subjective and can have a special meaning for me. Moreover, this kind of emotional reaction will certainly influence the decisions I make (assuming they take) to solve or get out of this situation.
working on a fact as with this energy integration techniques, it should be to balance all aspects of the situation and then the person will be freer and more able to make appropriate choices to get out of that situation. A hug
***** Have a wonderful New Year 2 0 0 9 *****
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Prostate Cancer And Kidney Infection
Genital Worts Black Men
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "make peace with their emotions"
- No 32 -
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Darling / or
resume once again 'argument "emotions" I think it really is too important and very important in our lives, as emotions are always present.
days ago I read an article on new trends in neuroscience and I was struck by a sentence in which it was said openly that the researchers and the medical world considers the emotions can not be rationalized, that is incomprehensible in their origin or where it is not possible to give a rational explanation .
I have not yet been able to compare with other scholars, but in my experience of energy integration can say that emotions are spiegabilissime (if you want to do, even if the integration of energy is not at all necessary).
First, we can say that emotions are generated from two different aspects: the thoughts and feelings. Sometimes contribute both aspects together. In the case of thoughts, we can say that emotions are nothing more than a summary of the sometimes very long chain of thoughts, of which we see only the beginning and the end, the beginning is the root cause, the end is represented by 'emotion itself, which is simply the result of a trigger. We no longer know or have forgotten the middle part, that is, those steps necessary to bring us from cause to effect. Forgetting the intermediate processes, automatically cause the effect, without which we can intervene to change the situation.
Here's an example to be clearer. I see a spider. This small be a few million times smaller than us, someone makes a terrible fear or even panic. E 'justifiable? No, of course, our power is so great that a creature so small it can be destroyed in less than a second.
But what is the possible chain of thought that leads to that emotion? Let's take a possible example. I know that spiders pluck, bite. I remember my cousin who had a swollen arm for 15 days, had a lot of pain and crying. I do not want to be bitten. I will not feel bad. I want to get as far away as possible from that being despicable. Etc. etc ... ... ...
Our brain, which tends to synthesize to work more quickly, store that spiders are dangerous and reacting with fear will make it safe from possible dangers. So ... a spider = fear, panic. And no matter if there are any spiders do not bite: once the process started, as a result of generalization, we are afraid of spiders and anything that resembles him.
In other words, we can say that emotions are a kind of neuroassociazioni, training or structure of thought (and neurons) whose emotions are a synthesis of bio-psychological. In integrating
Energy, through the stimulation of energy points or more, we do not need to rebuild and develop back all kinds of thoughts that have gave rise to that emotion (though very often do not emerge by themselves, during treatment), but their relationship is simply disconnected and then defused the reaction or emotion.
is why energy drinks is a fast reaction or even in very complex structures, there is no need to do further investigation or analysis. Enough to work directly on the basic facts (= spider fear). Later, working on everything that emerges during treatment, but only if it is of such importance that need restructuring to solve the problem.
Through energy integration, the emotions are uncontrollable and processes for which no You can make a change; gestibilissime are perhaps never more manageable now, and how we can restore all those that bother us, though often we feel that the cause of our negative emotions are attributed to others and not to our neuroassociazioni.
I would say that the real deterrent in wanting to recognize and be willing to restructure our negative emotions is the fact that we are firmly convinced that the fault / cause of which is due to the behavior of others and not to the processes that we have produced in ourselves.
To bypass this obstacle, it is sufficient just to want to feel better and make positive changes that lead us to a better quality of our lives. A hug
******************************* *************************************
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened
, which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Dora contact me after reading some of my newsletters to send him a friend. It 's a good-looking lady in her forties, and I ask for help because for some years now is still very tired, has difficulty in climbing stairs and doing any little effort has frequent heart palpitations.
He says he has done a bit 'all the clinical examinations, from which it has not revealed much. He also tried to take some time for herbal supplements to increase energy, which gave him a momentary relief, but as the quantity reduces or stops taking them lies in the type of symptoms we were talking about earlier.
Dora feels a little 'exasperated by the situation and believes that at his age is not yet time to feel so down. From the interview it emerged that it had happened a year before even intestinal bleeding, not serious but with a little 'of bleeding detectable in excretions. To me, all these symptoms were thought to form an anemic and she confirmed that in some previous tests, the values \u200b\u200bwere on the lower limit of tolerance but not in the warning zone, which is why the doctor did not consider it appropriate to give drugs eligible but only advice on nutrition.
proceeded with my techniques to explore situations that held up this state of affairs. I began to apply the procedures and energy integration in talks between practice and the other, it emerged that Dora proceeded in life with great effort in everything he did, that it was work, family or whatever.
I wondered and asked what could be the reason for this, and she said that it was normal, almost as if he were asking a very strange thing. Asking questions and talking, I discovered that she felt to deal with situations alone, without ever asking anyone for help and on the other hand told me to feel a sense of abandonment.
A feeling of discouragement, also associated with a creeping little desire to live, emerged clearly when Dora told me / asked: "If everything in my life is so hard and heavy, you might as well call it quits, not do you think? "I replied that that was the only way she had learned to deal with situations of life.
seemed heartened by what my answer and then continued to give her a bit 'of energy integration to break these patterns of life. It was at one point that a lot of memories surfaced in his mind and Dora remembered as a child was often left home alone when his parents went to work,
and were given the tasks to be performed at home and had to be done to perfection , otherwise receive many scolded or spanked or punished.
His way of life had become: "I do everything well alone and if not I hurt and I did not love their parents." This pattern had become the leitmotif of his whole life, she unconsciously applied to any event or circumstances.
Proceeding with energy integration, began to develop a feeling of lightness that borders on a sense of pleasure at all unusual for her. Even breathing became deeper and more pleasant, even to the point where she is because of the capacitive breathing so deeply and pleasantly.
Freed from these heavy burdens, Dora began to live in a different way and above all imbued with a new freedom to decide from time to time what he wanted or did not want to do or be, what they liked or disliked. This had a positive effect in all areas of his life.
***** I wish you to persevere in your personal improvement *****
Friday, November 14, 2008
Encouragement Masterbation
How does the energy integration
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "produce their best change '- No 31 -
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with the subject JOIN IE
Darling / or some
days ago talking with a person came out a topic that may interest a bit 'all. I was asked how the energy integration, that is what happens when you use the various techniques that make up the energy integration.
As you know by now, the energy integration is a set of techniques that are selected as appropriate to produce more rapid and effective changes or the results desired by the person. These then, are of two types: 1) leave, abandon, get rid of something undesirable (symptom, disorder, compulsive behavior, negative emotion, etc.).
2) move towards a desired goal (Take new decisions, taking an exam, a test, a report, finding a job, a house etc.).
But what happens during the processing of energy integration that brings together all these aspects? In order to answer this question, we must speak of neuroassociazioni or conditioning. Is due to the Russian physiologist Pavlov, the discovery of these neurological processes that associate an event to another. What does this mean? He discovered them by studying the animals, if every time he was brought food to a dog, a bell was rung, and then store the event this was enough to ring the bell to produce copious salivation in dogs and agitation when the typical ' animal is in the presence of food.
Pavlov verified that the same reactions also occur in humans. During the course of our lives, similar processes occur continually within us, and take place in two different ways. As in Pavlov's dogs, when a situation occurs all the time, our brain registers it and creates a structure of neurons is stable in that form. So every time there is a same or similar situation, our brain already has the answer. Brilliant, one might say, and from a certain point of view it is. The catch is that once registered the kind of response, the brain tends to run continuously, as if we had installed a
program on a computer. In this way we are no longer free to choose the mode most appropriate for that situation, but we choose only those that our brain has already registered.
The second mode of installation of a mental program, occurs when we are experiencing a strong emotion. That particular emotional state makes that go haywire in the control system, our rational side, and then what happens at that time was immediately recorded in the archives of the mind and becomes a workable program now.
At this point, it is understandable if we say that a mental program amounts to a lack of freedom of choice about what you put into practice or not in a given circumstance. We can also say that a mental program is the opposite of creativity, that vital life process that everyone has inside and that is the basis of life itself. Creativity creates new patterns to make life more different and better.
A mental program is a symbol of stability and continuous repetition and conflicts with the creativity, causing discomfort (and others) in people. Become a real cooling, from which it can be difficult to escape.
With the techniques of energy integration, using the energy points or more, break these preconceived and the person becomes almost magical ability to think and live or behave in ways that did not even take into consideration due to him or them mental programs. Then takes some sort of restructuring, which breaks the pattern previously established and frees us to create new attitudes and new solutions.
I hope to have been sufficiently explicit. Until next time. A hug
******************************* *************************************
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened,
which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Alice does the salesman and a couple of years now no longer lives her good days, because of an applicant's lumbar back pain, which causes many pain and several days off work. In addition, he feels a little 'depressed because he can no longer conduct its business in a way that pleases her. To complete the work, he also had several digestive problems, probably caused by the fact that often eat outside the home, in somewhat spartan and maybe with food of dubious quality.
To Alice's work is an area of \u200b\u200blife where we put all of herself and her pleasure is not only a duty to follow their customers carefully. Having these health problems, it was hard to keep up with all the requests and did not understand well if it was time to change professions (would be a big pain) or if it was only a transitory moment of difficulty. In addition, he recently was laid off a colleague and the company he worked for decided not to hire another agent and was distributed equally among all the customers left
agents on duty.
I began to wonder if he had done recently clinical examination and told me that from the tests was not anything special. He told me that last year had made a number of treatments recommended by doctors he had consulted, but apart from an initial improvement, the pain never ceased to bother her. I began to practice a bit 'of energy integration, as we believe that there was some aspect of his whole thing that Alice did not take into account.
The first response was of total relaxation, you feel relaxed and did not remember ever being. Then, for each application integration, began to flow thoughts that had never been granted to take into account and now made her think deeply.
He realized suddenly that treats its customers as if they were all lovers, is uttered in attention that did not reserve even her husband or her children. He realized that because of this his way of asking, he spent many hours in the car to go visit every week to all customers, even those more distant, when they could use the phone more and less' s car. He realized how much energy to devote to work and how little in itself, its needs and those of his loved ones.
It was incredible to see it in lavish detail increasingly precise, every time I practiced Integration. It was as if every time you pulled out of his bag now full one more element to make its position totally clear.
At the end of treatment, Alice and if he knew everything about his situation, and it was decided and determined to implement any changes necessary. His life changed dramatically and not only working but also the family, which long took for granted and even monotonous. By changing just one element of self had produced profound changes in many areas of his life.
***** I wish you free from oppression *****
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "produce their best change '- No 31 -
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with the subject JOIN IE
Darling / or some
days ago talking with a person came out a topic that may interest a bit 'all. I was asked how the energy integration, that is what happens when you use the various techniques that make up the energy integration.
As you know by now, the energy integration is a set of techniques that are selected as appropriate to produce more rapid and effective changes or the results desired by the person. These then, are of two types: 1) leave, abandon, get rid of something undesirable (symptom, disorder, compulsive behavior, negative emotion, etc.).
2) move towards a desired goal (Take new decisions, taking an exam, a test, a report, finding a job, a house etc.).
But what happens during the processing of energy integration that brings together all these aspects? In order to answer this question, we must speak of neuroassociazioni or conditioning. Is due to the Russian physiologist Pavlov, the discovery of these neurological processes that associate an event to another. What does this mean? He discovered them by studying the animals, if every time he was brought food to a dog, a bell was rung, and then store the event this was enough to ring the bell to produce copious salivation in dogs and agitation when the typical ' animal is in the presence of food.
Pavlov verified that the same reactions also occur in humans. During the course of our lives, similar processes occur continually within us, and take place in two different ways. As in Pavlov's dogs, when a situation occurs all the time, our brain registers it and creates a structure of neurons is stable in that form. So every time there is a same or similar situation, our brain already has the answer. Brilliant, one might say, and from a certain point of view it is. The catch is that once registered the kind of response, the brain tends to run continuously, as if we had installed a
program on a computer. In this way we are no longer free to choose the mode most appropriate for that situation, but we choose only those that our brain has already registered.
The second mode of installation of a mental program, occurs when we are experiencing a strong emotion. That particular emotional state makes that go haywire in the control system, our rational side, and then what happens at that time was immediately recorded in the archives of the mind and becomes a workable program now.
At this point, it is understandable if we say that a mental program amounts to a lack of freedom of choice about what you put into practice or not in a given circumstance. We can also say that a mental program is the opposite of creativity, that vital life process that everyone has inside and that is the basis of life itself. Creativity creates new patterns to make life more different and better.
A mental program is a symbol of stability and continuous repetition and conflicts with the creativity, causing discomfort (and others) in people. Become a real cooling, from which it can be difficult to escape.
With the techniques of energy integration, using the energy points or more, break these preconceived and the person becomes almost magical ability to think and live or behave in ways that did not even take into consideration due to him or them mental programs. Then takes some sort of restructuring, which breaks the pattern previously established and frees us to create new attitudes and new solutions.
I hope to have been sufficiently explicit. Until next time. A hug
******************************* *************************************
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened,
which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Alice does the salesman and a couple of years now no longer lives her good days, because of an applicant's lumbar back pain, which causes many pain and several days off work. In addition, he feels a little 'depressed because he can no longer conduct its business in a way that pleases her. To complete the work, he also had several digestive problems, probably caused by the fact that often eat outside the home, in somewhat spartan and maybe with food of dubious quality.
To Alice's work is an area of \u200b\u200blife where we put all of herself and her pleasure is not only a duty to follow their customers carefully. Having these health problems, it was hard to keep up with all the requests and did not understand well if it was time to change professions (would be a big pain) or if it was only a transitory moment of difficulty. In addition, he recently was laid off a colleague and the company he worked for decided not to hire another agent and was distributed equally among all the customers left
agents on duty.
I began to wonder if he had done recently clinical examination and told me that from the tests was not anything special. He told me that last year had made a number of treatments recommended by doctors he had consulted, but apart from an initial improvement, the pain never ceased to bother her. I began to practice a bit 'of energy integration, as we believe that there was some aspect of his whole thing that Alice did not take into account.
The first response was of total relaxation, you feel relaxed and did not remember ever being. Then, for each application integration, began to flow thoughts that had never been granted to take into account and now made her think deeply.
He realized suddenly that treats its customers as if they were all lovers, is uttered in attention that did not reserve even her husband or her children. He realized that because of this his way of asking, he spent many hours in the car to go visit every week to all customers, even those more distant, when they could use the phone more and less' s car. He realized how much energy to devote to work and how little in itself, its needs and those of his loved ones.
It was incredible to see it in lavish detail increasingly precise, every time I practiced Integration. It was as if every time you pulled out of his bag now full one more element to make its position totally clear.
At the end of treatment, Alice and if he knew everything about his situation, and it was decided and determined to implement any changes necessary. His life changed dramatically and not only working but also the family, which long took for granted and even monotonous. By changing just one element of self had produced profound changes in many areas of his life.
***** I wish you free from oppression *****
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Where Do I Get My Social Insurance Number Ottawa
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "re-shape their lives," No 30 - Ecology of emotions
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
I received via mail a question, as always, I say publicly: "It is dangerous to let the emotions flow freely?"
It 's a good question, and at the same time is a very common question. Unfortunately in our life teaches us that there is no education emotional, and then, from this point of view, we are left in disarray.
The answer is no, not dangerous. But there is one condition. Express their emotions is quite healthy if the person has not created in time, within themselves, these accumulations to be compared to the vapor that exists in a pressure cooker boiling for a while '. Express emotions that have been accumulating for a long time can do the same effect as a pressure cooker exploding. In order to redress this situation there are treatments of energy integration, which show the energetic state easily to its physiological state. It 's easy to recognize these internal states, since, even when we think to a situation that disturbs us, within us we feel an emotion so strong to get hard to control, even though we tend to repress it. In these cases we are in total emotional imbalance.
For those not in these conditions, expressing emotions is quite natural, moreover, are the spice of life and are an expression of the natural flow of our energy in the various districts in the body.
If, as we have already done so, we compare our emotional state of the sea, our ordinary emotions are like waves that are always there and that are characteristic of the sea. The stormy sea instead, is the amount of our emotional states in which disturbed the giant waves and strong disasters can be considerable. Think for example at the news that you hear on the news very often whole families killed by one of its components: These are the typical cases of emotional build-up when you express that produce disasters, like the stormy sea that overwhelms all that is nearby.
To resume the previous mail, we can say that the emotional accumulations occur where there has been given an adverse opinion on the possibility of expression of that emotion. I assure you that there is always a way to let the emotions flow, even under the worst conditions, but often do not see even one (perhaps because we have already given feedback negative) and then we keep our own house in this driving force, which began to produce damage.
We are facing a dangerous emotional situation, just when we made this detention many many many times in our lives, that we have always been prevented from expressing emotion that date. This is much more common in childhood into adulthood. An adult should have been able to acquire the ability to download or vent their emotions in some way, even if only to pull a ball kicked or beat his fists on a pillow. For a child is already a bit 'more difficult, because the child or is expressed or suppressed and did not yet the capacity to develop other strategies, especially if it is very small. Who has the emotional build up substantial and often has some block that comes from the infantile period.
is also very interesting to consider the relationship between thoughts and emotions: there's always a thought or a way of thinking behind an emotion. So emotional education also involves the education of our thoughts.
During Mental Ecology to be held soon (November 9, remember?), We will learn to recognize our destructive thoughts and how to change them. Change your thoughts to change your emotions! A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened,
which resolved completely with the ' use energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
When I met Richard for the first time, I had the impression of being in front of a hungry people who did not have enough food for their living. He was so thin as to leave a glimpse of all the bones. In fact, Richard had many health problems in previous years was now reasonably well although certainly not in very good condition. He arrived accompanied by his current wife and asked if I could help him because he felt no energy in general and also, as I said to him, "there was no more a man."
talked at length, as Richard told me about all its numerous diseases and disorders, intervention and suffered all the therapies that had to do. When asked at what stage of his life had begun to appear his ailments, and was speechless at that point his wife told me everything that happened after his former wife had left him for another man.
While his wife told me, he was stiff, taut, inexpressive, and at one point even began to tremble slightly. His wife told me that the former wife Richard had a particular attachment, was the dream of his life, was one of those idyllic love affairs that happen only once in life,
and after several years of happy marriage was gone, leaving him in utter despair and no resignation.
I told Richard that I would rather he were to tell me what happened, why it was important for me to feel and what they expressed as he spoke of his problems. He answered in monosyllables, trembling, tense and stiffly as he was, could hardly make out the voice. The memory of that pain and it probably crashed trying to keep it under control to not be affected by the deep pain that could have done crazy.
To me, this was enough, and began to practice a technique of energy integration. It was too stiff to spread, and seemed frightened at the beginning he was not even close my eyes. He seemed to want to control everything I did. There was a point of his body that the stimulus that does not hurt, even if it was a bearable pain.
After a few minutes of treatment, the tears began to flow from his eyes and slowly began to sob more and more animated. His body was only a start, there was no Part of it was not moving at the urging of her sobs. It went on for several minutes in this way, slowly until the wave of pain passed, and when he recovered he could tell me. "It was as if I had destroyed the life of that abandonment, as if my soul had left me."
Richard was very shocked, but now beginning to be evident more relaxing and calm, so much so that he could talk and not before.
He told me that the first felt like a big, big knot in the pit of the stomach and that at some point had begun to feel as if that part was opened and pour into him a wave of venom that scattered throughout the body. Then the powerful pain receded, and now it felt like just emerged from a centrifuge, but much more quiet and almost peaceful.
energy integration, this time, he popped the cork of emotional blocks and this event was taking Richard to recover its energy and above all of his life.
To recover its state of decay, was instrumental in using energy integration, but also had to combine some of Ayurvedic treatment to restore the balance of his body, now very much tried by years of deep tensions. In addition, I prepared a bottle of Bach flower remedies for cleaning its energy system and stabilize the changes that had taken place with energy integration.
few months after the end of our meetings, I phoned his wife, confirming that Richard had recovered several kilograms of weight and was now very well. Moreover, their relationship was very good, as when they were married she had to be in love, as he had agreed, but his behavior was always very cold and detached until recently, but now she felt as a paid love. It ended with this very significant sentence: "Life is so, it is another thing." Not bad, eh?
***** I wish to live in the joy of your emotional relationships *****
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "re-shape their lives," No 30 - Ecology of emotions
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
I received via mail a question, as always, I say publicly: "It is dangerous to let the emotions flow freely?"
It 's a good question, and at the same time is a very common question. Unfortunately in our life teaches us that there is no education emotional, and then, from this point of view, we are left in disarray.
The answer is no, not dangerous. But there is one condition. Express their emotions is quite healthy if the person has not created in time, within themselves, these accumulations to be compared to the vapor that exists in a pressure cooker boiling for a while '. Express emotions that have been accumulating for a long time can do the same effect as a pressure cooker exploding. In order to redress this situation there are treatments of energy integration, which show the energetic state easily to its physiological state. It 's easy to recognize these internal states, since, even when we think to a situation that disturbs us, within us we feel an emotion so strong to get hard to control, even though we tend to repress it. In these cases we are in total emotional imbalance.
For those not in these conditions, expressing emotions is quite natural, moreover, are the spice of life and are an expression of the natural flow of our energy in the various districts in the body.
If, as we have already done so, we compare our emotional state of the sea, our ordinary emotions are like waves that are always there and that are characteristic of the sea. The stormy sea instead, is the amount of our emotional states in which disturbed the giant waves and strong disasters can be considerable. Think for example at the news that you hear on the news very often whole families killed by one of its components: These are the typical cases of emotional build-up when you express that produce disasters, like the stormy sea that overwhelms all that is nearby.
To resume the previous mail, we can say that the emotional accumulations occur where there has been given an adverse opinion on the possibility of expression of that emotion. I assure you that there is always a way to let the emotions flow, even under the worst conditions, but often do not see even one (perhaps because we have already given feedback negative) and then we keep our own house in this driving force, which began to produce damage.
We are facing a dangerous emotional situation, just when we made this detention many many many times in our lives, that we have always been prevented from expressing emotion that date. This is much more common in childhood into adulthood. An adult should have been able to acquire the ability to download or vent their emotions in some way, even if only to pull a ball kicked or beat his fists on a pillow. For a child is already a bit 'more difficult, because the child or is expressed or suppressed and did not yet the capacity to develop other strategies, especially if it is very small. Who has the emotional build up substantial and often has some block that comes from the infantile period.
is also very interesting to consider the relationship between thoughts and emotions: there's always a thought or a way of thinking behind an emotion. So emotional education also involves the education of our thoughts.
During Mental Ecology to be held soon (November 9, remember?), We will learn to recognize our destructive thoughts and how to change them. Change your thoughts to change your emotions! A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened,
which resolved completely with the ' use energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
When I met Richard for the first time, I had the impression of being in front of a hungry people who did not have enough food for their living. He was so thin as to leave a glimpse of all the bones. In fact, Richard had many health problems in previous years was now reasonably well although certainly not in very good condition. He arrived accompanied by his current wife and asked if I could help him because he felt no energy in general and also, as I said to him, "there was no more a man."
talked at length, as Richard told me about all its numerous diseases and disorders, intervention and suffered all the therapies that had to do. When asked at what stage of his life had begun to appear his ailments, and was speechless at that point his wife told me everything that happened after his former wife had left him for another man.
While his wife told me, he was stiff, taut, inexpressive, and at one point even began to tremble slightly. His wife told me that the former wife Richard had a particular attachment, was the dream of his life, was one of those idyllic love affairs that happen only once in life,
and after several years of happy marriage was gone, leaving him in utter despair and no resignation.
I told Richard that I would rather he were to tell me what happened, why it was important for me to feel and what they expressed as he spoke of his problems. He answered in monosyllables, trembling, tense and stiffly as he was, could hardly make out the voice. The memory of that pain and it probably crashed trying to keep it under control to not be affected by the deep pain that could have done crazy.
To me, this was enough, and began to practice a technique of energy integration. It was too stiff to spread, and seemed frightened at the beginning he was not even close my eyes. He seemed to want to control everything I did. There was a point of his body that the stimulus that does not hurt, even if it was a bearable pain.
After a few minutes of treatment, the tears began to flow from his eyes and slowly began to sob more and more animated. His body was only a start, there was no Part of it was not moving at the urging of her sobs. It went on for several minutes in this way, slowly until the wave of pain passed, and when he recovered he could tell me. "It was as if I had destroyed the life of that abandonment, as if my soul had left me."
Richard was very shocked, but now beginning to be evident more relaxing and calm, so much so that he could talk and not before.
He told me that the first felt like a big, big knot in the pit of the stomach and that at some point had begun to feel as if that part was opened and pour into him a wave of venom that scattered throughout the body. Then the powerful pain receded, and now it felt like just emerged from a centrifuge, but much more quiet and almost peaceful.
energy integration, this time, he popped the cork of emotional blocks and this event was taking Richard to recover its energy and above all of his life.
To recover its state of decay, was instrumental in using energy integration, but also had to combine some of Ayurvedic treatment to restore the balance of his body, now very much tried by years of deep tensions. In addition, I prepared a bottle of Bach flower remedies for cleaning its energy system and stabilize the changes that had taken place with energy integration.
few months after the end of our meetings, I phoned his wife, confirming that Richard had recovered several kilograms of weight and was now very well. Moreover, their relationship was very good, as when they were married she had to be in love, as he had agreed, but his behavior was always very cold and detached until recently, but now she felt as a paid love. It ended with this very significant sentence: "Life is so, it is another thing." Not bad, eh?
***** I wish to live in the joy of your emotional relationships *****
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Kingdom Hearts 2 4 Medallions
Emotions Emotions, opinions and emotions will
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "
find the poetry of life" - No 29 - Emotions, opinions and wishes
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter,
sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
as the beginning, I would respond publicly to a question I received: "As you can replenish its internal energy?"
As for the techniques I use, is a process that happens by itself. We already have a large amount of energy within us, but much of this is deducted, or rather stuck in our psychosomatic internal structures, related to fears, emotional blocks, negative patterns, traumas and so on. Solving these structures gradually through the techniques of energy integration, release a larger amount of energy that becomes available to the person himself, and usually goes to just settle where there is greater shortage, creating a new and better balance.
's newsletter ago there was talk of negative emotions that become limiting and programs had failed to speak of opinions and will. Reviews (as well as the prejudices) and the will or desire are closely linked together. At the beginning of the mail you ever wondered how to divide the emotions into positive and negative. Well usually judge the positive emotions that bring us pleasure and negative ones that bring us pain or suffering. But it is always true or is it just one of our many interpretations?
It 'still our interpretation. In this way, we have already installed a program in our biocomputer, which is the brain. For example, we considered the negative emotions as unacceptable and therefore to be avoided like the plague and positive emotions as the only worth living.
Apparently it would seem that this is a normal thing, but in reality hides a profound error. When we refuse to prove we are suffering at the same time refusing to feel pleasure because the channel is the same. And to say that through the telephone wires coming calls positive and negative, if the detachment wire to stop receiving the negative calls, automatically receive even more positive ones. In our body just does not happen exactly the same situation but the processes are very similar.
Think for a moment to a situation in which a person reacts with pain and at some point the person decides: "I will no longer suffer." What triggered the moment take this decision? Our brain keeps track of our decision and began to close the channels of sensation (nerve channels are also muscular and here is the source of some tension and pain).
The result of this will be reduced or set aside such a feeling of pain and therefore also of pleasure.
Many times I have met people who told me: "I do not feel more pleasure in life. Everything seems off, has no meaning and interest. " When I asked what could be the cause of what I have always been answered with a "non- I know. " For a further investigation report, showed often this type of situation.
This is just one example, as the reactions to our decisions are innumerable deep, however simplistic, but all of our vitality and creativity. Through sessions of energy integration will be cleaning up our energy field to rebalance and automatic reactions that we have triggered with our judgments, prejudices and wrong will.
Sometimes suffering is a great teacher, because (if not deny), it can make us aware of errors that apparently did not see or can not understand. It is not necessary to use pain as a means of understanding if we were a bit 'wiser and open to listening within. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely using energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
Mary is one of my old acquaintance, but had not seen her for many years. One day I called to make an appointment and during the interview he told me recently that he felt very tired and could not recover even more sleep. He also told me to feel very heavy legs and that her doctor had found a situation of dilated varicose veins. It was not yet very serious situation in the legs but could have become.
I started to do some 'treatment with energy integration on its own symptoms, and she continued to feel this sense of heaviness, but nothing more.
He said that some days my legs felt so heavy that had trascinarsele behind to carry out its duties. These
his sentences awakened my attention and then asked, "What situation in your life that is so great and you're dragging a long time?" He a bit 'surprised and demand suddenly became reflective. A few minutes later he told me that was his job situation.
Mary was employed in an office, but it was a job she did not like because it was chaotic and poorly organized. Also had to perform one thousand jobs at the same time: it had to meet the needs of its head, listening to customers and their needs, answer the phone, prepare tax documents, and liaise between staff and the office manager and many other things.
This created a lot of the frustration (his principal did not intend to do anything to improve that situation) and also a lot of stress because he could never complete what was doing, because it was constantly interrupted by the ringing of the phone, customers, the boss, employees, etc..
Following this, each morning was a great burden for her to go to work and therefore felt a lot of hate. It had become too lazy and unmotivated in his private life.
We worked with energy integration on all these various aspects that created discomfort in working life: dislikes, stress, relationships with the boss, clients and employees. Already at the second session, Mary told me to feel better and have a day at work with a little 'more lightly, and who were also improved relations with some people who saw normally.
We continued the work begun by another integration on his laziness, his lack of elasticity, his internal attitude in dealing with work and all of its strengths. Eventually Mary told me that he really felt "very very light" and added he had never even thought about how many problems we carry with us and that our attitudes do go wrong external situations. This was for her a source of much astonishment. Moreover, he never thought that his leg problems could depend on his job situation.
Then I did burst into laughter when he said: "Bravo Andrea, if you were not there, have to invent." How can you not laugh with a sentence like that?
***** I wish to let all your emotions flowing *****
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "
find the poetry of life" - No 29 - Emotions, opinions and wishes
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter,
sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
as the beginning, I would respond publicly to a question I received: "As you can replenish its internal energy?"
As for the techniques I use, is a process that happens by itself. We already have a large amount of energy within us, but much of this is deducted, or rather stuck in our psychosomatic internal structures, related to fears, emotional blocks, negative patterns, traumas and so on. Solving these structures gradually through the techniques of energy integration, release a larger amount of energy that becomes available to the person himself, and usually goes to just settle where there is greater shortage, creating a new and better balance.
's newsletter ago there was talk of negative emotions that become limiting and programs had failed to speak of opinions and will. Reviews (as well as the prejudices) and the will or desire are closely linked together. At the beginning of the mail you ever wondered how to divide the emotions into positive and negative. Well usually judge the positive emotions that bring us pleasure and negative ones that bring us pain or suffering. But it is always true or is it just one of our many interpretations?
It 'still our interpretation. In this way, we have already installed a program in our biocomputer, which is the brain. For example, we considered the negative emotions as unacceptable and therefore to be avoided like the plague and positive emotions as the only worth living.
Apparently it would seem that this is a normal thing, but in reality hides a profound error. When we refuse to prove we are suffering at the same time refusing to feel pleasure because the channel is the same. And to say that through the telephone wires coming calls positive and negative, if the detachment wire to stop receiving the negative calls, automatically receive even more positive ones. In our body just does not happen exactly the same situation but the processes are very similar.
Think for a moment to a situation in which a person reacts with pain and at some point the person decides: "I will no longer suffer." What triggered the moment take this decision? Our brain keeps track of our decision and began to close the channels of sensation (nerve channels are also muscular and here is the source of some tension and pain).
The result of this will be reduced or set aside such a feeling of pain and therefore also of pleasure.
Many times I have met people who told me: "I do not feel more pleasure in life. Everything seems off, has no meaning and interest. " When I asked what could be the cause of what I have always been answered with a "non- I know. " For a further investigation report, showed often this type of situation.
This is just one example, as the reactions to our decisions are innumerable deep, however simplistic, but all of our vitality and creativity. Through sessions of energy integration will be cleaning up our energy field to rebalance and automatic reactions that we have triggered with our judgments, prejudices and wrong will.
Sometimes suffering is a great teacher, because (if not deny), it can make us aware of errors that apparently did not see or can not understand. It is not necessary to use pain as a means of understanding if we were a bit 'wiser and open to listening within. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely using energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
Mary is one of my old acquaintance, but had not seen her for many years. One day I called to make an appointment and during the interview he told me recently that he felt very tired and could not recover even more sleep. He also told me to feel very heavy legs and that her doctor had found a situation of dilated varicose veins. It was not yet very serious situation in the legs but could have become.
I started to do some 'treatment with energy integration on its own symptoms, and she continued to feel this sense of heaviness, but nothing more.
He said that some days my legs felt so heavy that had trascinarsele behind to carry out its duties. These
his sentences awakened my attention and then asked, "What situation in your life that is so great and you're dragging a long time?" He a bit 'surprised and demand suddenly became reflective. A few minutes later he told me that was his job situation.
Mary was employed in an office, but it was a job she did not like because it was chaotic and poorly organized. Also had to perform one thousand jobs at the same time: it had to meet the needs of its head, listening to customers and their needs, answer the phone, prepare tax documents, and liaise between staff and the office manager and many other things.
This created a lot of the frustration (his principal did not intend to do anything to improve that situation) and also a lot of stress because he could never complete what was doing, because it was constantly interrupted by the ringing of the phone, customers, the boss, employees, etc..
Following this, each morning was a great burden for her to go to work and therefore felt a lot of hate. It had become too lazy and unmotivated in his private life.
We worked with energy integration on all these various aspects that created discomfort in working life: dislikes, stress, relationships with the boss, clients and employees. Already at the second session, Mary told me to feel better and have a day at work with a little 'more lightly, and who were also improved relations with some people who saw normally.
We continued the work begun by another integration on his laziness, his lack of elasticity, his internal attitude in dealing with work and all of its strengths. Eventually Mary told me that he really felt "very very light" and added he had never even thought about how many problems we carry with us and that our attitudes do go wrong external situations. This was for her a source of much astonishment. Moreover, he never thought that his leg problems could depend on his job situation.
Then I did burst into laughter when he said: "Bravo Andrea, if you were not there, have to invent." How can you not laugh with a sentence like that?
***** I wish to let all your emotions flowing *****
Friday, September 12, 2008
Master Of Defence Licence
... negative? The Law of Attraction
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "rebalance their states of 'soul' - No 28 -
Subscribe (and invite your friends to subscribe) to this newsletter by sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or, have you ever thought
that in every moment of our lives we live emotions? Yeah, but for us it is so natural that not even think of it. The emotion is present in every moment and it is natural that this is so, since we always thought, as a consequence, we have emotions.
In the meetings of energy integration, what you are working on are more negative emotions. But because we have divided into positive and negative emotions? In fact, emotions are like waves of the sea should flow naturally in and out of us, just like the sea waves are used to maintain its balance. Animals also experience the emotions naturally.
And why, for the modern man this is not at all natural?
Yes, there is something that disturbs this natural. And what is it? There are three things that we humans put in place: the view, the will and the patterns learned. Let's start with the latter.
From conception on, we accumulate experiences and these experiences build our models. What does this mean? When we do experience them draw a "teaching" and this is recorded in our brain, like a computer program, as long as there is no second experience that makes me change, or change the type of instruction or program.
If, for example, a child, I placed a hand on I have a hot stove and burned, my brain will register the event as dangerous and draw a lesson: "Be afraid of everything that emits heat."
could go far, so good. Yeah, but what would happen if the emotional trauma was so strong that there is terror just to walk into a room where there is a heater on or something?
that this teaching is, that program, it becomes detrimental and counterproductive for us and prevent us from doing things they normally do and it is common to all. In other words, limits our freedom, our choice, our pleasure. As we have said many
Sometimes these emails, these kinds of programs represent an emotional imbalance in our energy system and the imbalance remains until rebalanced our energies, or, rather, do not change or replace the negative program.
Sometimes it is very difficult to do this, because the program has now stabilized in our unconscious parts and we can no longer even see it, it only affects us. Accordingly, we respond to the classical concept of action-reaction: an event happens, I respond with that exact reaction remains the same.
With energy integration can rebalance our energy field
and restructuring in a positive way our internal programs in the best way for us.
Ok, we went a bit 'long and at this point, I would say to postpone the next mail the explanation of the other two points, that the proceedings and the will. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened
, which resolved completely with the use
energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
James had come to me for a massage Ayurvedic, because in recent times was quite stressed and could not even do a bit more 'bikes and sport, as he had done. Therefore felt bound in a little body movement and muscle in the contract.
As often happens while doing the massage, the person asks me a bit 'of information about the type of massage I practice, and again, James went with a nice and quiet conversation.
After learning from me the news that interest him, he began to talk about her situation. He told me that a few months was promoted executive in an area of \u200b\u200bhis farm. He was very happy about it, but the new job had also brought new concerns. Via
so on, James told me that recently suffered from an annoying and persistent ear pain, and after clinical tests had been diagnosed as otitis. He also said that the doctor had given him a care to do, but so far had found only a slight decrease in pain.
From what I had said until then, I suspect that the pain was somehow connected to his new job duties. I proposed then for the next session of working with energy integration, and he gladly accepted.
I saw him again the following week. Told me they felt better after the massage received and proved very cooperative in answering questions that I asked. We talked a bit 'of his work duties and told me all her trouble groped to reconcile the demands of his head with the work to be carried out to the workers. I also said that his boss was a person rather irascible and often caught fire like a match.
found it interesting that everything I was saying, but I could not find links to his ear infection. As always in these cases, I began to practice the techniques of 'energy integration. After several minutes of treatment he said that the other ear was plugged and had reduced its hearing sensitivity. It was all very strange what was going on but still was not the key to his situation.
After a few more minutes, James told me he could not feel anything anymore. I was obvious question: "Why do you remain silent and isolated from the outside world?". His expression was amazed and scared at the same time when I said he had before him the image of his head that was screaming but he did not hear a word.
was all very clear then. His ears were not closed to hear the screams and their content. We worked specifically on this. Hours emerged very clearly what the screams of the head and what he said in those moments of delirium, they did feel good for nothing, insignificant, defeated. In other words, his Chief James undermined its identity, or at least perceived him that way.
At the end of the session, had made up largely of hearing, but still did not go entirely well. I saw him again after a few days, and we continued to work on the contents of his deafness and his pain. Other details emerged, but little by little we managed to balance all the points of the situation and James went on his legs that seemed to float rather than walk. He was really happy and felt free.
I phoned after a little over a month and he confirmed that they had had more pain and that his ears felt fine. Informed me that his boss was not so furious with him, who knows, maybe some of Giacomo previous behavior caused these reactions of the head. "Change yourself and change the world," said the ancient sages. Maybe they were not wise at all, what do you think?
***** I wish you to understand ever more deeply *****
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "rebalance their states of 'soul' - No 28 -
Subscribe (and invite your friends to subscribe) to this newsletter by sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or, have you ever thought
that in every moment of our lives we live emotions? Yeah, but for us it is so natural that not even think of it. The emotion is present in every moment and it is natural that this is so, since we always thought, as a consequence, we have emotions.
In the meetings of energy integration, what you are working on are more negative emotions. But because we have divided into positive and negative emotions? In fact, emotions are like waves of the sea should flow naturally in and out of us, just like the sea waves are used to maintain its balance. Animals also experience the emotions naturally.
And why, for the modern man this is not at all natural?
Yes, there is something that disturbs this natural. And what is it? There are three things that we humans put in place: the view, the will and the patterns learned. Let's start with the latter.
From conception on, we accumulate experiences and these experiences build our models. What does this mean? When we do experience them draw a "teaching" and this is recorded in our brain, like a computer program, as long as there is no second experience that makes me change, or change the type of instruction or program.
If, for example, a child, I placed a hand on I have a hot stove and burned, my brain will register the event as dangerous and draw a lesson: "Be afraid of everything that emits heat."
could go far, so good. Yeah, but what would happen if the emotional trauma was so strong that there is terror just to walk into a room where there is a heater on or something?
that this teaching is, that program, it becomes detrimental and counterproductive for us and prevent us from doing things they normally do and it is common to all. In other words, limits our freedom, our choice, our pleasure. As we have said many
Sometimes these emails, these kinds of programs represent an emotional imbalance in our energy system and the imbalance remains until rebalanced our energies, or, rather, do not change or replace the negative program.
Sometimes it is very difficult to do this, because the program has now stabilized in our unconscious parts and we can no longer even see it, it only affects us. Accordingly, we respond to the classical concept of action-reaction: an event happens, I respond with that exact reaction remains the same.
With energy integration can rebalance our energy field
and restructuring in a positive way our internal programs in the best way for us.
Ok, we went a bit 'long and at this point, I would say to postpone the next mail the explanation of the other two points, that the proceedings and the will. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened
, which resolved completely with the use
energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
James had come to me for a massage Ayurvedic, because in recent times was quite stressed and could not even do a bit more 'bikes and sport, as he had done. Therefore felt bound in a little body movement and muscle in the contract.
As often happens while doing the massage, the person asks me a bit 'of information about the type of massage I practice, and again, James went with a nice and quiet conversation.
After learning from me the news that interest him, he began to talk about her situation. He told me that a few months was promoted executive in an area of \u200b\u200bhis farm. He was very happy about it, but the new job had also brought new concerns. Via
so on, James told me that recently suffered from an annoying and persistent ear pain, and after clinical tests had been diagnosed as otitis. He also said that the doctor had given him a care to do, but so far had found only a slight decrease in pain.
From what I had said until then, I suspect that the pain was somehow connected to his new job duties. I proposed then for the next session of working with energy integration, and he gladly accepted.
I saw him again the following week. Told me they felt better after the massage received and proved very cooperative in answering questions that I asked. We talked a bit 'of his work duties and told me all her trouble groped to reconcile the demands of his head with the work to be carried out to the workers. I also said that his boss was a person rather irascible and often caught fire like a match.
found it interesting that everything I was saying, but I could not find links to his ear infection. As always in these cases, I began to practice the techniques of 'energy integration. After several minutes of treatment he said that the other ear was plugged and had reduced its hearing sensitivity. It was all very strange what was going on but still was not the key to his situation.
After a few more minutes, James told me he could not feel anything anymore. I was obvious question: "Why do you remain silent and isolated from the outside world?". His expression was amazed and scared at the same time when I said he had before him the image of his head that was screaming but he did not hear a word.
was all very clear then. His ears were not closed to hear the screams and their content. We worked specifically on this. Hours emerged very clearly what the screams of the head and what he said in those moments of delirium, they did feel good for nothing, insignificant, defeated. In other words, his Chief James undermined its identity, or at least perceived him that way.
At the end of the session, had made up largely of hearing, but still did not go entirely well. I saw him again after a few days, and we continued to work on the contents of his deafness and his pain. Other details emerged, but little by little we managed to balance all the points of the situation and James went on his legs that seemed to float rather than walk. He was really happy and felt free.
I phoned after a little over a month and he confirmed that they had had more pain and that his ears felt fine. Informed me that his boss was not so furious with him, who knows, maybe some of Giacomo previous behavior caused these reactions of the head. "Change yourself and change the world," said the ancient sages. Maybe they were not wise at all, what do you think?
***** I wish you to understand ever more deeply *****
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Can You Bleach White Converse Shoes
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "cleanse his soul ' - No 27 -
Subscribe (and invite your friends to subscribe) to this newsletter by sending a mail to with subject JOIN IE
Dearest / o, I reread the last three
mail and I agreed that there is still something to say on the subject, and in particular I would like to respond to some of you who asked me some questions on the Law of Attraction which is much talk in recent times, through books and video.
were saying in the last email that if we insert a positive thought in our minds and "grow" all the time, often focusing on it, this thought (be it positive or negative) becomes like a magnet and attracts into our life facts, events and people that are in line with our thinking. Here, this is the so-called Law of Attraction. There
to specify that it is not really a law, because, to our knowledge, a law must always work equally in every situation (see the law of gravity, for example). Perhaps the more appropriate term might be "the principle of attraction" (you know that Americans are often too high in their titles) for the Law of Attraction does not always work.
The principle itself is valid, acceptable, and I known for a long time now it works. But when it works and when no? The Principle of Attraction (I'll call it that) works when there is harmony in our whole being. What does this mean? It means that if you produce a thought like "I want to have a better job than what I currently have," but inside I was installed (perhaps in early childhood) a thought or model that says "'re never anything good in life" very easy to never find a better job than I have.
The thought that I put in my mind is in conflict with the model that had previously filed (consciously or unconsciously) within my being, so my wish will not be realized, even after tremendous effort. When we hear people saying: "I did, I did ... but I have not seen results," almost certainly going on something.
In these cases, the Principle of Attraction can not work because our energy is engaged in the conflict and can not give that strong magnetism that creates the right charge for the realization of our objectives. In these contexts, the energy integration techniques are in great conflicts undermine (or other dynamic) that are the basis of its failures.
Without that inner cleansing (superficial or deep it is) which was mentioned in the previous mail, you can not achieve their objectives, of whatever kind they are. Cases I found them very often in emotional situations: the search for its "half" but inside there are points of conflict that the other person does not recognize.
I really hope that the argument is more clear now. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which is solved completely by using energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Flavio is a middle-aged, rather round-bodied and not very high. Called me because he wanted to work on some character issues that had long heart, things are not very serious but annoying and recurring. I suggested a first meeting to assess the situation and see if there was any chance of recovery with energy integration.
We met and, as customary, I started to give him a bit 'questions about his general situation and the issue rate. He told me he had made several clinical trials in recent times, but the only thing that was found was un'extrasistolia applicant, in addition to a strong sense of oppression in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart and resulting in difficulty breathing.
Flavio is a nice and friendly person, a good-natured as they say, very far from being anxious or agitated. This made a little 'his mysterious illness. I asked for a bit 'of information about his life and how the rise. Everything seemed smooth filasse: a good job (the same for years), a good marriage, two children and so on. etc., a bit 'all normal.
then began to practice energy integration, working directly on your symptoms to see if it emerged from the treatment energy for something more specific. It was after a few minutes Flavio said he had found a picture in his mind: he had seen his mother who played and fondled her sister. At the end of the description added the comment: "... women!"
There and then I had a smile, but I was intuitively a question: "It was nice that picture?" He smiled and said: "Nonsense from women." "What?" I replied "it was nice to see mother and daughter exchanged endearments?".
"The usual nonsense women. The women are so beautiful ... but ... give much importance to these things, and then ... fall in love. " I was amazed and incredulous, and even I could not understand what he was really saying.
After some 'questions, Flavio uttered the phrase revealing that explained everything and opened the horizons for therapy. "We men are taken from the sexual drive, while the women fall in love and always complicate everything." "But you're not in love with your wife?" I asked. He replied as if amazed, "attracted me a lot, I really like, I mean physically ... but also of character." I kept asking him questions more specific, I realized that love was not part of his life, even seemed to know what it was and also continued to consider only one aspect of women.
why his heart gave painful symptoms: love was Flavio had ruled that one aspect of his life. We worked in this direction for a couple of sessions again, until at a certain point, after I had worked some muscles, Flavio broke into tears liberating, that shook his whole body. Suddenly, his chest seemed to have become mobile, soft and alive, and had recovered the vitality that had been denied for many long years.
When this phase ended, Flavio described to me all the sensations he had felt and he told me that this was the legacy of his father was he who had made him learn to "be a man, to be male." According to the father, the boys were not crying and did not have fall in love, and son, for his affection was appropriate. This emotional release
transformed the lives of Flavio, not so radically as he continued to do the same job, to attend the same friends to have the same wife, but more in quality. If before we could say of him that was a pretty nice person, now you could safely say that it was a happy person, you just saw. The cardiac symptoms were completely gone and I was very pleased when, a couple of months later, Flavio called me and told me that his wife was pregnant and that "this child we did it with his love." He was beaming!
***** I hope you find "your" happiness *****
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Introduction To The Nikon D90 Rapidshate
The mind creates the reality - Part 3
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "create your own reality" - No 26 - __________________________________________________
Invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with the subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
today we will talk about another part of the argument in subject, another point of view, but obviously not that far away from what we said in the last two mails.
Previously we talked about how the mind creates "negative." Any thoughts reductive can create a cascade of reactions and behaviors that go against our interest, even if we do not want it. Our thoughts catalyzes the energy and attracts to us what the thought expressed in his assumptions.
Similarly, the brain can become positive productive, if we begin to incorporate more and more positive thoughts. The mechanism is the same.
If we repeatedly positive thinking in our mind is very likely that every day you create a trace in our brain that will attract things to us, situations and positive events for us.
If we take the reins of our situation, we can gradually set on a more positive way, which in turn will produce more beneficial effects for us.
As in any good home, the process begins by cleaning. It 's convenient to first clear our negative thoughts and limiting, and then begin to produce chains of thoughts that go in the direction of our benefit or welfare. Hardly does the opposite process. What we said to the thoughts, applies equally well to the emotions. Let me give an example.
If I start to produce in me the thought "I want to be happy" but spend the day pissed off the time and never misses an opportunity to criticize everyone and everything that goes under my eyes, seldom become a happy person. It 's very best, first of all to clean all the criticism and anger that I produce each day and then begin to produce positive thoughts.
energy integration does a good job of cleaning to do this connection and, as I said in one of the first newsletters, manages very well to be "proactive", ie to promote the positive aspects that we have and where are we. The assumption is obviously to make a good initial cleaning. 'S understandable that you can decorate a room from scratch if we have not first took all the furniture was old and ugly that content.
Many mystics or not, have said the same phrase: "if you want to change (your) world, change yourself." Good thinking ... and the next. A hug
PS: in the speech of congratulations for the new year of 2007, Amma, an incredible spiritual teacher of our day, said the following sentences that carry you " Begin to work to achieve your dreams. With good thoughts and good deeds, we can create positive vibes for the whole world. " Good meditation! :-)
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Estate, vacation time, more time to dedicate to our body, at which time gives away more and more attention is paid also to the bodies of others. As a result, it is more likely to awaken in us, too primal appetites, of which sexuality is only the second in order of importance.
Giusy had come to me for another reason, but as we worked with the Integration Energy, emerged very clearly and suddenly he had a clear rejection of sexuality, that is, making love with her husband. Since
sex, at least in its natural conditions, the materialization of our love for one person, I thought it appropriate to address the topic, first asking the consent of the person of course.
I was amazed at how normal she considers her situation and even more of how her husband had been able to willingly accept this matter. However, obviously, I avoided to investigate how her husband had come to accept this and I focused in particular on the inner dynamics of Giuseppe. I asked for information on the
its earlier reports, and confirmed to me that for her to have sex with a man he had always been a hassle, indeed, did not like their own and to be honest, told me that it sucked and that also put a bit of apprehension. The situation was getting to me more and more singular and enigmatic.
I took a few questions about the period of adolescence and his early relationship did not emerge but nothing significant. Then I have a question about his relationship with religion, with priests, etc.. but even there he drew not a spider hole. I also asked if the family was something weird about sexuality and even here there were no significant situations. At one point, not knowing what ask, I thought good to start practicing a bit 'of energy integration on the concept that sex was disgusting.
I did not hold anything significant happened, but the third or fourth step Giusy was clear in his mind the image of a fish. My questions about what they could mean that fish did not know what to say. So I continued to work with the Integration and the next step Giusy saw in his mind a scene from her childhood. He remembered when, with his mother, accompanied dad to fish on Sundays during the summer months.
I was glad of what was going on, but still I was not clear that there was link between these pictures and his problem. After some further round of staking energy points, Giusy had an emotional reaction of anxiety and agitation and a clear picture of her holding a freshly caught fish alive, struggling vigorously. In one image there was anxiety, fear, loathing and disgust of a girl who had to catch a slippery fish that his father had not been able to grasp, because the thread was tangled.
Giuseppe told me that things had happened a few times when she was little and that each time ended this experience with all that heavy load of negative emotion that just mentioned. He also said that occasionally ate fish, but only if it was cooked by others because She was impossible to keep a fish in his hand, though dead, if not resulting in emotional storm.
What has this to do with sexuality? Simple! The unconscious, who works in analog, had united the fish with the males (confirmed it herself, though she had never thought in these terms) and not to relive every time that load all negative emotions had created everything that lack of interest in sexual relations, away from the ball to his total self-protection. His unconscious had reached the goal, but the state's energy Giusy was certainly disturbed by the failure of not being able to have a satisfying sexual relationship. After
some more 'Integration, the release occurred and was now proposed to allow at least three weeks before we meet again, to allow his power to compose and to see what would happen in the continuation of time.
When we met again, his face was completely changed and told me that she seemed to be experiencing a new and better adolescence. She and her husband looked like two innamoratini for the first time they discover the tenderness of 'love and relationship with their bodies. The phobia he had now gone and Giusy, thrilled with the results obtained on this issue, he continued to work on other problems that I had submitted earlier.
***** I wish to walk in a more positive direction for you *****
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "create your own reality" - No 26 - __________________________________________________
Invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with the subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
today we will talk about another part of the argument in subject, another point of view, but obviously not that far away from what we said in the last two mails.
Previously we talked about how the mind creates "negative." Any thoughts reductive can create a cascade of reactions and behaviors that go against our interest, even if we do not want it. Our thoughts catalyzes the energy and attracts to us what the thought expressed in his assumptions.
Similarly, the brain can become positive productive, if we begin to incorporate more and more positive thoughts. The mechanism is the same.
If we repeatedly positive thinking in our mind is very likely that every day you create a trace in our brain that will attract things to us, situations and positive events for us.
If we take the reins of our situation, we can gradually set on a more positive way, which in turn will produce more beneficial effects for us.
As in any good home, the process begins by cleaning. It 's convenient to first clear our negative thoughts and limiting, and then begin to produce chains of thoughts that go in the direction of our benefit or welfare. Hardly does the opposite process. What we said to the thoughts, applies equally well to the emotions. Let me give an example.
If I start to produce in me the thought "I want to be happy" but spend the day pissed off the time and never misses an opportunity to criticize everyone and everything that goes under my eyes, seldom become a happy person. It 's very best, first of all to clean all the criticism and anger that I produce each day and then begin to produce positive thoughts.
energy integration does a good job of cleaning to do this connection and, as I said in one of the first newsletters, manages very well to be "proactive", ie to promote the positive aspects that we have and where are we. The assumption is obviously to make a good initial cleaning. 'S understandable that you can decorate a room from scratch if we have not first took all the furniture was old and ugly that content.
Many mystics or not, have said the same phrase: "if you want to change (your) world, change yourself." Good thinking ... and the next. A hug
PS: in the speech of congratulations for the new year of 2007, Amma, an incredible spiritual teacher of our day, said the following sentences that carry you " Begin to work to achieve your dreams. With good thoughts and good deeds, we can create positive vibes for the whole world. " Good meditation! :-)
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Estate, vacation time, more time to dedicate to our body, at which time gives away more and more attention is paid also to the bodies of others. As a result, it is more likely to awaken in us, too primal appetites, of which sexuality is only the second in order of importance.
Giusy had come to me for another reason, but as we worked with the Integration Energy, emerged very clearly and suddenly he had a clear rejection of sexuality, that is, making love with her husband. Since
sex, at least in its natural conditions, the materialization of our love for one person, I thought it appropriate to address the topic, first asking the consent of the person of course.
I was amazed at how normal she considers her situation and even more of how her husband had been able to willingly accept this matter. However, obviously, I avoided to investigate how her husband had come to accept this and I focused in particular on the inner dynamics of Giuseppe. I asked for information on the
its earlier reports, and confirmed to me that for her to have sex with a man he had always been a hassle, indeed, did not like their own and to be honest, told me that it sucked and that also put a bit of apprehension. The situation was getting to me more and more singular and enigmatic.
I took a few questions about the period of adolescence and his early relationship did not emerge but nothing significant. Then I have a question about his relationship with religion, with priests, etc.. but even there he drew not a spider hole. I also asked if the family was something weird about sexuality and even here there were no significant situations. At one point, not knowing what ask, I thought good to start practicing a bit 'of energy integration on the concept that sex was disgusting.
I did not hold anything significant happened, but the third or fourth step Giusy was clear in his mind the image of a fish. My questions about what they could mean that fish did not know what to say. So I continued to work with the Integration and the next step Giusy saw in his mind a scene from her childhood. He remembered when, with his mother, accompanied dad to fish on Sundays during the summer months.
I was glad of what was going on, but still I was not clear that there was link between these pictures and his problem. After some further round of staking energy points, Giusy had an emotional reaction of anxiety and agitation and a clear picture of her holding a freshly caught fish alive, struggling vigorously. In one image there was anxiety, fear, loathing and disgust of a girl who had to catch a slippery fish that his father had not been able to grasp, because the thread was tangled.
Giuseppe told me that things had happened a few times when she was little and that each time ended this experience with all that heavy load of negative emotion that just mentioned. He also said that occasionally ate fish, but only if it was cooked by others because She was impossible to keep a fish in his hand, though dead, if not resulting in emotional storm.
What has this to do with sexuality? Simple! The unconscious, who works in analog, had united the fish with the males (confirmed it herself, though she had never thought in these terms) and not to relive every time that load all negative emotions had created everything that lack of interest in sexual relations, away from the ball to his total self-protection. His unconscious had reached the goal, but the state's energy Giusy was certainly disturbed by the failure of not being able to have a satisfying sexual relationship. After
some more 'Integration, the release occurred and was now proposed to allow at least three weeks before we meet again, to allow his power to compose and to see what would happen in the continuation of time.
When we met again, his face was completely changed and told me that she seemed to be experiencing a new and better adolescence. She and her husband looked like two innamoratini for the first time they discover the tenderness of 'love and relationship with their bodies. The phobia he had now gone and Giusy, thrilled with the results obtained on this issue, he continued to work on other problems that I had submitted earlier.
***** I wish to walk in a more positive direction for you *****
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Removing Water Based Sealer From Slate
Mind creates reality - part 2
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "free himself from prejudices
- 25 - __________________________________________________
Invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
in the mail earlier we talked about basic concepts of how the mind works. For a concise summary we can say that the mind "sees" only the fact that "can" see (due to limitations of the sense organs and his way of thinking) but "convinced" that what he has seen, heard or felt is the only possible reality, that is true only what he saw (or believed to see).
Mystics ancients used to say all the time: the mind creates illusions and the only truth lies beyond words, beyond the intellect. Only there can we see the true nature of things. And we, who are anything but mystical significance that may have to know these things? Knowing the workings of the mind can protect us from a lot of suffering!
Every day in my work, but also outside of work, I see people's minds work and I can assure you that it is good to note how much suffering it produces to themselves and to others. In other words we can say that the more we are attached to the mind and the more we live in suffering. In this case the attachment is created by lack of knowledge of mental processes.
Let us now drop everything in the reality of everyday life. Let's take an example for the behavior of another person. Many times I have heard phrases like: "My husband loves me, loves me not." "What's wrong?" I ask I. "Do not caress me never, never lets me cuddle." It would seem a common phrase, acceptable in its content. In fact, it contains distorted concepts.
The most obvious is that a conviction has become "absolutely true" that he did not pat and that this should not automatically say that he loves. Many times I have seen in the fact the falsity of this conviction and I found that often there are two different ways of understanding the relationship.
She is perhaps more "natural", more sensitive to physical contact, to touch, pampering. He is instead, for example, more "visual", enjoys more the vision of its physical beauty, the perfection of his features, or see her in an outfit of some kind. Maybe, instead, is a type more rational, more accustomed to things that are practical, no frills. Two different natures, if they do not consider these aspects are more likely to "clash" rather than "meet".
know what is the objection that I shall be made after this explanation? "If he really loved me, knowing that I do like cuddling, would do me." "But it's not his nature" answer "It does not occur spontaneously. Become a stretch for him, and then basically does not do. "
Now, I would focus your attention on the conviction of departure: "My husband does not love me because I'm not cuddling." Meanwhile, we note that she "sees" the facts from a perspective of "partial", ie through the filter of his way of thinking and experiencing the world and, as we said before, is convinced that his way of thinking is absolutely true and valid for all.
In the second instance, when the mind of a person installs a conviction of this type will tend to "react" with the behavior of a person dissatisfied and disappointed, by engaging in conduct of redress, of revenge, of dislike, anger, etc. . toward her husband. This, in turn, seeing the reactions of his wife begins to think she does not like anymore, that is not the most pleasing, which is no longer so popular. etc.. It 's very clear that in such a context, rather than unite, the two tend to leave more and more, is not it?
understand now what it means that your mind creates your reality? And it all started from a misinterpreted believed true. It 's a bit devilish this, but I assure you it is very very real examples and dozens more could be done. :-) ...) I think I hear your voice that says, "but then what should be done in the case in this example?" It would become too long to explanations in a newsletter.
The concepts that I expressed here are the contents of my course of mental ecology that sometimes I wish for my customers. They are also one of the issues addressed in the treatment of energy integration, where you identify such limiting beliefs and other aspects of the person and by stimulating energy points are going to rebalance the mental processes that lead to resolving the issue.
In the next newsletter will talk about another aspect of how the mind creates reality. A hug
PS: you carry a thought of the great Indian master
Swami Vivekananda: "It 's our mindset that makes the world what it is for us. Our thought make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly.
The whole world is in our own minds. " He was born in 1863. Like other great spiritual teachers, he had understood everything! ! ! Now it's up to us! :-)) __________________________________________________
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened
which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
I tell you this story to tell you what, sometimes it is wrong or inappropriate to resolve the painful symptoms of a person who wants nothing more than heal quickly to return to do everything he did before, without addressing the underlying causes.
John worked for many years as a laborer in a small company and was much appreciated by the owners for his hard work. He was always very diligent in performing his duties and did not miss the opportunity to do all the overtime that was required. Sometimes they even took the job of even those renovations of the wards that the company decided to renew every so often. What they say was a hard worker. I saw him
for the first time several years ago and asked me to help him solve his lumbar back pain that seemed to be born from nothing. Then I made a couple of sessions, Ayurvedic massage and everything was for the best, with its extreme happiness. I saw him again after about two years for the same problem and the situation began to intrigue me, because, according to him, the pain seemed to appear without reason. Ayurvedic treatments and even redid the pain disappeared, and John felt really good.
After another year and a half, I called for the same problem and this time it was accompanied by his wife. After I was made aware that the clinical hours was a cartilage that was moving towards right and could eventually compress the nerves, it was during the massage that she explained to me that John is "killing business". He promptly denied this, saying that his wife always exaggerated and that only then did his duty as a laborer.
I realized that something was not clear and then asked his wife not to come the next time, so you can conduct a good investigation without interference. While practicing the massage I gave him a bell'interrogatorio clarifier and saw that his wife was quite right, or perhaps had been too cautious. I changed strategy and started practicing energy integration.
was immediately told me that John to what we take to heart any kind of responsibility and what was normal for him and so could not see a different way of behaving. He wondered much and there was almost disappointed when I told him that his devotion to work and take all the responsibility was exaggerated behavior. However, we continued to work with energy integration and gradually began to emerge all of these issues.
He was convinced that deep to be good, to be accepted and loved, and had to get busy beyond all limits. He inherited his business and the teachings of his parents, who had had great difficulty during the last war and they were literally cleaved back to work to survive. John had been involved as a child, after school hours in addition to the tasks he always gave more than a hand to his parents in carrying out various works necessary for the good of the family.
With energy integration, John was able to let go of these beliefs and behavior patterns in a short time and was able to indulge in a little 'rest and a lot more' to less extraordinary, with the greatest happiness of his wife, finally managed to have them at home and in the company for hours, the first thing that could have been a mirage.
I saw his wife after a few years, and he confirmed that John was fine and that he had no more pain coming. I also said that since then, every year were at least 15 days' leave together and that what looked like a dream, but now has become reality.
***** I hope you rediscover your innocence *****
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "free himself from prejudices
- 25 - __________________________________________________
Invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
in the mail earlier we talked about basic concepts of how the mind works. For a concise summary we can say that the mind "sees" only the fact that "can" see (due to limitations of the sense organs and his way of thinking) but "convinced" that what he has seen, heard or felt is the only possible reality, that is true only what he saw (or believed to see).
Mystics ancients used to say all the time: the mind creates illusions and the only truth lies beyond words, beyond the intellect. Only there can we see the true nature of things. And we, who are anything but mystical significance that may have to know these things? Knowing the workings of the mind can protect us from a lot of suffering!
Every day in my work, but also outside of work, I see people's minds work and I can assure you that it is good to note how much suffering it produces to themselves and to others. In other words we can say that the more we are attached to the mind and the more we live in suffering. In this case the attachment is created by lack of knowledge of mental processes.
Let us now drop everything in the reality of everyday life. Let's take an example for the behavior of another person. Many times I have heard phrases like: "My husband loves me, loves me not." "What's wrong?" I ask I. "Do not caress me never, never lets me cuddle." It would seem a common phrase, acceptable in its content. In fact, it contains distorted concepts.
The most obvious is that a conviction has become "absolutely true" that he did not pat and that this should not automatically say that he loves. Many times I have seen in the fact the falsity of this conviction and I found that often there are two different ways of understanding the relationship.
She is perhaps more "natural", more sensitive to physical contact, to touch, pampering. He is instead, for example, more "visual", enjoys more the vision of its physical beauty, the perfection of his features, or see her in an outfit of some kind. Maybe, instead, is a type more rational, more accustomed to things that are practical, no frills. Two different natures, if they do not consider these aspects are more likely to "clash" rather than "meet".
know what is the objection that I shall be made after this explanation? "If he really loved me, knowing that I do like cuddling, would do me." "But it's not his nature" answer "It does not occur spontaneously. Become a stretch for him, and then basically does not do. "
Now, I would focus your attention on the conviction of departure: "My husband does not love me because I'm not cuddling." Meanwhile, we note that she "sees" the facts from a perspective of "partial", ie through the filter of his way of thinking and experiencing the world and, as we said before, is convinced that his way of thinking is absolutely true and valid for all.
In the second instance, when the mind of a person installs a conviction of this type will tend to "react" with the behavior of a person dissatisfied and disappointed, by engaging in conduct of redress, of revenge, of dislike, anger, etc. . toward her husband. This, in turn, seeing the reactions of his wife begins to think she does not like anymore, that is not the most pleasing, which is no longer so popular. etc.. It 's very clear that in such a context, rather than unite, the two tend to leave more and more, is not it?
understand now what it means that your mind creates your reality? And it all started from a misinterpreted believed true. It 's a bit devilish this, but I assure you it is very very real examples and dozens more could be done. :-) ...) I think I hear your voice that says, "but then what should be done in the case in this example?" It would become too long to explanations in a newsletter.
The concepts that I expressed here are the contents of my course of mental ecology that sometimes I wish for my customers. They are also one of the issues addressed in the treatment of energy integration, where you identify such limiting beliefs and other aspects of the person and by stimulating energy points are going to rebalance the mental processes that lead to resolving the issue.
In the next newsletter will talk about another aspect of how the mind creates reality. A hug
PS: you carry a thought of the great Indian master
Swami Vivekananda: "It 's our mindset that makes the world what it is for us. Our thought make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly.
The whole world is in our own minds. " He was born in 1863. Like other great spiritual teachers, he had understood everything! ! ! Now it's up to us! :-)) __________________________________________________
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter to tell a real case that happened
which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
I tell you this story to tell you what, sometimes it is wrong or inappropriate to resolve the painful symptoms of a person who wants nothing more than heal quickly to return to do everything he did before, without addressing the underlying causes.
John worked for many years as a laborer in a small company and was much appreciated by the owners for his hard work. He was always very diligent in performing his duties and did not miss the opportunity to do all the overtime that was required. Sometimes they even took the job of even those renovations of the wards that the company decided to renew every so often. What they say was a hard worker. I saw him
for the first time several years ago and asked me to help him solve his lumbar back pain that seemed to be born from nothing. Then I made a couple of sessions, Ayurvedic massage and everything was for the best, with its extreme happiness. I saw him again after about two years for the same problem and the situation began to intrigue me, because, according to him, the pain seemed to appear without reason. Ayurvedic treatments and even redid the pain disappeared, and John felt really good.
After another year and a half, I called for the same problem and this time it was accompanied by his wife. After I was made aware that the clinical hours was a cartilage that was moving towards right and could eventually compress the nerves, it was during the massage that she explained to me that John is "killing business". He promptly denied this, saying that his wife always exaggerated and that only then did his duty as a laborer.
I realized that something was not clear and then asked his wife not to come the next time, so you can conduct a good investigation without interference. While practicing the massage I gave him a bell'interrogatorio clarifier and saw that his wife was quite right, or perhaps had been too cautious. I changed strategy and started practicing energy integration.
was immediately told me that John to what we take to heart any kind of responsibility and what was normal for him and so could not see a different way of behaving. He wondered much and there was almost disappointed when I told him that his devotion to work and take all the responsibility was exaggerated behavior. However, we continued to work with energy integration and gradually began to emerge all of these issues.
He was convinced that deep to be good, to be accepted and loved, and had to get busy beyond all limits. He inherited his business and the teachings of his parents, who had had great difficulty during the last war and they were literally cleaved back to work to survive. John had been involved as a child, after school hours in addition to the tasks he always gave more than a hand to his parents in carrying out various works necessary for the good of the family.
With energy integration, John was able to let go of these beliefs and behavior patterns in a short time and was able to indulge in a little 'rest and a lot more' to less extraordinary, with the greatest happiness of his wife, finally managed to have them at home and in the company for hours, the first thing that could have been a mirage.
I saw his wife after a few years, and he confirmed that John was fine and that he had no more pain coming. I also said that since then, every year were at least 15 days' leave together and that what looked like a dream, but now has become reality.
***** I hope you rediscover your innocence *****
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Szex In Public Toilet
The rest - the end is not the end
Hello everyone! The Quiet is a famous screamo band from Forlì, formed in 2000. If you interested in hardcore screamo sang in italian, that's what you're looking for ... Stay tuned!
Quietdrive - The end is not the end
Air Raid In The Land Of Butterfly
Metempsicosi the ultimate goal: neurotic oscillation between extremes
Kristallnacht A Rue Des Trois-Frères
what we are not, what we do not want
The Fate of an umbrella
Super Omega
Merce Cunningham
Not The End is Not The End
Hello everyone! The Quiet is a famous screamo band from Forlì, formed in 2000. If you interested in hardcore screamo sang in italian, that's what you're looking for ... Stay tuned!
Quietdrive - The end is not the end
Air Raid In The Land Of Butterfly
Metempsicosi the ultimate goal: neurotic oscillation between extremes
Kristallnacht A Rue Des Trois-Frères
what we are not, what we do not want
The Fate of an umbrella
Super Omega
Merce Cunningham
Not The End is Not The End
Air Conditioner Btu Calculator On Pdf File
Niccolò Fabi - Novo Mesto
Niccolò Fabi - Novo Mesto
"Niccolo Fabi, born 16 May, 1968, is an Italian musician and songwriter, eminent in Roman Philology. He starts as a drummer in a band named “Fall Out”, singing covers. The success discovers him in 1996 with his single “Dica” (or “Say”). In 1997 he participated at the Sanremo Festival.Unitil now, he released 8 albums."
Ciao a tutti! This is one of my fav italian albums... When I first arrived in Italy, it was the first italiam album that I liked. My favs are "Oriente" e "Costruire". If you're into beautiful songs, then that's for you. Stay tuned!
Niccolò Fabi - Novo Mesto
Novo mesto (The air around)
Place wings
Building Reports
Beauty Inside
So lonely
Niccolò Fabi - Novo Mesto
"Niccolo Fabi, born 16 May, 1968, is an Italian musician and songwriter, eminent in Roman Philology. He starts as a drummer in a band named “Fall Out”, singing covers. The success discovers him in 1996 with his single “Dica” (or “Say”). In 1997 he participated at the Sanremo Festival.Unitil now, he released 8 albums."
Ciao a tutti! This is one of my fav italian albums... When I first arrived in Italy, it was the first italiam album that I liked. My favs are "Oriente" e "Costruire". If you're into beautiful songs, then that's for you. Stay tuned!
Niccolò Fabi - Novo Mesto
Novo mesto (The air around)
Place wings
Building Reports
Beauty Inside
So lonely
Bible Black Archive Files Watch Online Episode
Lorenzo Jovanotti - 1990-1995
Hello everyone! Jovanotti is a popular Italian Hip Hop singer / songwriter ... ah, you know HIM, right? Ok, thats a compilation album with Some Of His "early" hits, kinda of a eclectic mix of rock, rap, and funky beats. Stay tuned!
Lorenzo Jovanotti - 1990-1995
The Navel of the Earth Move
Lucky Boy Who knows
move 'if you're sleeping
A tribe' dancing bores me
Free your soul When you're away
People of the night
Hello mom I do not I will try
Serenata rap
raining I think positive
Marco Polo
Hello everyone! Jovanotti is a popular Italian Hip Hop singer / songwriter ... ah, you know HIM, right? Ok, thats a compilation album with Some Of His "early" hits, kinda of a eclectic mix of rock, rap, and funky beats. Stay tuned!
Lorenzo Jovanotti - 1990-1995
The Navel of the Earth Move
Lucky Boy Who knows
move 'if you're sleeping
A tribe' dancing bores me
Free your soul When you're away
People of the night
Hello mom I do not I will try
Serenata rap
raining I think positive
Marco Polo
Fondant Booties Template
Ligabue - Name
Hello everyone! Another italian rock legend here: Luciano Ligabue.
"Ligabue Was Born in Correggio, in the provinces of Reggio Emilia. Before Becoming a successful singer, he held-Various jobs, working in agriculture and in factories. He Entered the Music world in 1987, when he founded the amateur band Orazero. For this band he wrote several original songs, with which they participated in several local and national contests. The following year his fellow Emilian singer-songwriter Pierangelo Bertoli was the first to discover Ligabue's writing talents, and included one of Ligabue's songs, "Sogni di Rock'n'Roll" ("Rock'n'Roll Dreams"), in his new LP.
On September 10, 2005, Ligabue held a concert in Reggio Emilia to celebrate his first 15 years of activity. This attracted the record audience for a single artist pay concert in Europe, with a crowd of about 180,000 coming to listen to his songs. However, due to technical problems with the audio system, several thousands of people were unable to listen to the music and left the concert. After the event, apologized for the inconvenience Ligabue Publicly. Also
Ligabue has published a short story collection, Inside and outside the village ("In and out the village"), Which Won Several literary awards, a science fiction novel Snow cares ("Snow Does not care") ( 2005), and collections of poems in Letters of Love in the fridge ("Love Letters in the fridge") (2006). "
Ligabue - Name
The day of days
Happy Hour
Love You Want has
Women know
AG Letter to ear
Living One Day at
E 'stronger than I am here to love
Hello everyone! Another italian rock legend here: Luciano Ligabue.
"Ligabue Was Born in Correggio, in the provinces of Reggio Emilia. Before Becoming a successful singer, he held-Various jobs, working in agriculture and in factories. He Entered the Music world in 1987, when he founded the amateur band Orazero. For this band he wrote several original songs, with which they participated in several local and national contests. The following year his fellow Emilian singer-songwriter Pierangelo Bertoli was the first to discover Ligabue's writing talents, and included one of Ligabue's songs, "Sogni di Rock'n'Roll" ("Rock'n'Roll Dreams"), in his new LP.
On September 10, 2005, Ligabue held a concert in Reggio Emilia to celebrate his first 15 years of activity. This attracted the record audience for a single artist pay concert in Europe, with a crowd of about 180,000 coming to listen to his songs. However, due to technical problems with the audio system, several thousands of people were unable to listen to the music and left the concert. After the event, apologized for the inconvenience Ligabue Publicly. Also
Ligabue has published a short story collection, Inside and outside the village ("In and out the village"), Which Won Several literary awards, a science fiction novel Snow cares ("Snow Does not care") ( 2005), and collections of poems in Letters of Love in the fridge ("Love Letters in the fridge") (2006). "
Ligabue - Name
The day of days
Happy Hour
Love You Want has
Women know
AG Letter to ear
Living One Day at
E 'stronger than I am here to love
Where Can I Buy Edge's Trench Coat
Negramaro - Everything Flows
Hello everyone! That's definitely the best Negramaro's album, or at least my fav. The single "Summer" Gave Them the "Best Italian Act at MTV Europe Music Awards 2005, and" solo3min "was one of the most played songs in italian tv and radios. Negramaro is the first italian band to play at "Stadio San Siro (Milan), in May 2008. Stay tuned!
Negramaro - Everything Flows
In my room
While everything flows
Musa (Tired of Being)
My robot
Every time my summer
Clouds and Sheets
The immensity
mind-only tev
Hello everyone! That's definitely the best Negramaro's album, or at least my fav. The single "Summer" Gave Them the "Best Italian Act at MTV Europe Music Awards 2005, and" solo3min "was one of the most played songs in italian tv and radios. Negramaro is the first italian band to play at "Stadio San Siro (Milan), in May 2008. Stay tuned!
Negramaro - Everything Flows
In my room
While everything flows
Musa (Tired of Being)
My robot
Every time my summer
Clouds and Sheets
The immensity
mind-only tev
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lidocaine Liquid Can U Drink
Vasco Rossi - The World
Hello to all! Vasco Rossi Is The Most Famous italian rocker, and I'm posting here His last album. Take a listen at this italian rock legend. Stay tuned!
Vasco Rossi - The World
The World
Come play with me
And now it is up to you Tell me
What matters to me
not live without you Here is the
history of whiskey I can not stand
I need you Just little
Hello to all! Vasco Rossi Is The Most Famous italian rocker, and I'm posting here His last album. Take a listen at this italian rock legend. Stay tuned!
Vasco Rossi - The World
The World
Come play with me
And now it is up to you Tell me
What matters to me
not live without you Here is the
history of whiskey I can not stand
I need you Just little
Why Do Men Love Stockings?
Afterhours - Ballad for Small Reservoir Dogs
"Afterhours are one of the Most Popular Italian alternative rock bands. Founded by lead singer Manuel Agnelli, Afterhours currently 'members are Manuel Agnelli, Giorgio Prette, Dario Ciffo, Giorgio Ciccarelli, Roberto and Enrico Gabrielli Era. "
Hello everyone! That's a "must have" italian rock album ... Afterhours is one of the Most Important italian alternative rock bands and this album is pretty good. It's worth a try. Stay tuned!
Afterhours - Ballad for small hyenas
The thin white line
Playing for my little hyena
is the end the most important
There are many ways
The white widow
Fresh Meat Male
Who knows how the blood of Judas
Andrea's birthday
"Afterhours are one of the Most Popular Italian alternative rock bands. Founded by lead singer Manuel Agnelli, Afterhours currently 'members are Manuel Agnelli, Giorgio Prette, Dario Ciffo, Giorgio Ciccarelli, Roberto and Enrico Gabrielli Era. "
Hello everyone! That's a "must have" italian rock album ... Afterhours is one of the Most Important italian alternative rock bands and this album is pretty good. It's worth a try. Stay tuned!
Afterhours - Ballad for small hyenas
The thin white line
Playing for my little hyena
is the end the most important
There are many ways
The white widow
Fresh Meat Male
Who knows how the blood of Judas
Andrea's birthday
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Negramaro - La Finestra
"Negramaro is an Italian rock band formed in 1999 and successful since 2005. Their name stems from Negroamaro, a wine produced in Their native region, Naples. After Years Spent in the Italian market alternatives, They Became famous in 2005 thanks to the Sanremo Festival. Since then, Their singles and albums are some of The Most successful in Italy. "
Negramaro - La Finestra
Giuliano Then Sta Male
Parlami d'Amore
Step Back
The immense
The Window
There is no place that even the Sea
and steal for you the moon
the rain falls
Via Le Mani Eyes
for once (Song For Me) I Remember You
You So
"Negramaro is an Italian rock band formed in 1999 and successful since 2005. Their name stems from Negroamaro, a wine produced in Their native region, Naples. After Years Spent in the Italian market alternatives, They Became famous in 2005 thanks to the Sanremo Festival. Since then, Their singles and albums are some of The Most successful in Italy. "
Negramaro - La Finestra
Giuliano Then Sta Male
Parlami d'Amore
Step Back
The immense
The Window
There is no place that even the Sea
and steal for you the moon
the rain falls
Via Le Mani Eyes
for once (Song For Me) I Remember You
You So
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Subsonica - L'eclipse
Hello everyone! This Time We Have Subsonica here, a band from Torino That plays something Called "synthrock" and it's very popular in Italy since 1996. This Is Their 5th album, "The Eclipse". Stay tuned!
Subsonica - L'eclipse
Ali The Dark
The last glaciation
The Center Of The Flame in our places
High voracity
Hello everyone! This Time We Have Subsonica here, a band from Torino That plays something Called "synthrock" and it's very popular in Italy since 1996. This Is Their 5th album, "The Eclipse". Stay tuned!
Subsonica - L'eclipse
Ali The Dark
The last glaciation
The Center Of The Flame in our places
High voracity
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Adriano Celentano - Only
Adriano Celentano - Celentano Only
CD 1
Your kiss is like a rock
24,000 kisses
Stay away from me (tower of strength)
Thanks Please excuse
It is off the sun
Hello guys
And you danced in my seventh World
There were 100,000 black
A stroke in a A baby lion on the fist
CD 2
A story like this
The Ballad of pinocchio
A Third Planet
The only chance
A party on the lawns
time goes
Beautiful and naked
There is something wrong with the men arrive
I let you live only a quarter of an hour
mirror reflections What should i
of '
CD 3
Oh Diana (Diana)
The boy via Gluck (live)
Prisencolinensinainciusol (remixed by a. party)
L 'emotion has no voice
Open Your Heart I am a free man
breath of life
The same things we do
Adriano Celentano - Celentano Only
CD 1
Your kiss is like a rock
24,000 kisses
Stay away from me (tower of strength)
Thanks Please excuse
It is off the sun
Hello guys
And you danced in my seventh World
There were 100,000 black
A stroke in a A baby lion on the fist
CD 2
A story like this
The Ballad of pinocchio
A Third Planet
The only chance
A party on the lawns
time goes
Beautiful and naked
There is something wrong with the men arrive
I let you live only a quarter of an hour
mirror reflections What should i
of '
CD 3
Oh Diana (Diana)
The boy via Gluck (live)
Prisencolinensinainciusol (remixed by a. party)
L 'emotion has no voice
Open Your Heart I am a free man
breath of life
The same things we do
The Biggest Boobs In Bollywood
Celentano Adriano Celentano - Greatest Hits
Adriano Celentano - Greatest Hits
Always, always, always
Tarantella Napoletana Driven
Techno Mix
You wish you I'll make the American
A po'artista a pio'no
A party on the lawns you will
Good evening doctor (feat Claudia Mori)
Only you (feat Jovanotti / Article 31/Raf)
Mad World (feat Ligabue)
Feline Wisdom (feat Mina)
of what should (feat Mina)
Sweet Fire of Love (feat Mina)
Adriano Celentano - Greatest Hits
Always, always, always
Tarantella Napoletana Driven
Techno Mix
You wish you I'll make the American
A po'artista a pio'no
A party on the lawns you will
Good evening doctor (feat Claudia Mori)
Only you (feat Jovanotti / Article 31/Raf)
Mad World (feat Ligabue)
Feline Wisdom (feat Mina)
of what should (feat Mina)
Sweet Fire of Love (feat Mina)
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