The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "liberate all of our parts" - No 36
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "liberate all of our parts" - No 36
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other day, rummaging through my paperwork, I went in his hands a sheet which was included in this phrase, which, however, I noted the author:
"Remember that the best relationship is one in which love for each other exceeds your need for each other " This sentence is very nice and I got stopped a moment to think about it. Here are reported two elements of comparison: the love and need. In truth, there's a third: the report.
In fact, the concept of "love" is somewhat controversial: everyone talks about but everyone really means something different. The word "love" is put a name to an abstract concept, is a sort of label that we apply to a very complex concept, but unfortunately a small name can not express all its content and that is why we run into errors interpretation. When we say the words "I love you", what are we really saying? Expectations that we have against a person who says this phrase?
I think about these two questions alone could write a hundred books, but I think love has already been written more than was necessary. However, for many of us the word and the concept of "love" remains a somewhat vague and smoky, difficult to define.
Quite different is the concept of need. Although we all have needs that are not exactly alike, but probably similar, very clear that we need to have a means to be in a position to want to satisfy our needs, immediate or not to be.
The first person in the world that meets our needs is our mother. She, except in special situations loves us, loved us, and then more or less satisfied all our needs. Who loves usually also tends to satisfy the needs of the other person. But who meets our needs, we need love? No, of course. Baker also meet our own needs and do not necessarily love us, indeed, almost definitely not so involved with us.
precisely the kind of experience lived during our childhood, very often form in us the thought that we can love only those who meet our needs.
In my work experience and even life, I have seen that very often these two elements are mixed together in an inextricable tangle at times, giving rise to misunderstandings that undermine relationships so often so as to create significant deleterious suffering.
The concept of love is often confused with other types of feelings, such as possession, give-and-take, satisfaction of needs, so feel considered.
has completely forgotten that the most person is incorporated, that is free of preconceived, from patterns of behavior acquired previously and never revised, by pre-and always emotional states similar to themselves, and more pure feeling called love is free to act out and express themselves.
With energy integration, we are able to disentangle all these entanglements to make people more aware of free and fair "games" that have built up to that point, making them safer to decide who will go to work later because now free of preconceived patterns of behavior.
In the next newsletter will continue on this topic.
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***** True stories
In This section of every newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
That evening I was invited to a gathering of birthday by a dear friend, that on those occasions he used to welcome in the courtyard of his house a lot 'of friends and friends to share in the total withdrawal of its anniversary day.
was there that I saw for the first time Celeste, a young woman asked that captured the attention at first sight, not because it was particularly good but because everything about her seemed to attract attention. It was she who welcome people on arrival and I was struck by his hairstyle, with long blond curls gathered at the back of the head and with only two long curls on the front to frame her striking eyes, behind the make-up Studies. In addition, his long gown, pure white, and made it almost glow in the midst of all the people there is no question.
His gait was also the perfect housewife, even though it was a simple invitation: every time he passed close to someone, always had something nice to say, or you gave a lot to be done so everyone had a drink or something to tease. Also never failed to intervene in every topic you basted the various groups of people.
was mid-evening that anyone in the audience told him about me and my business. Then Celeste approached me and began to ask me the details of my work. When I talked to energy integration, became reflective and thoughtful and every sentence I added one of his "interesting" or something similar. Even before I finished to give explanations, he interrupted me saying, "I just need you. Tomorrow I'll call you for an appointment "
Sure enough the next day he called and set the appointment a few days. When he was sitting in my office the first thing I did was cry, he felt embarrassed to tell me what I would have said then. She had gone thirty years and still had not managed to find a man with whom to share life and to express his affection. According to her, she had so much love to give. Unfortunately, all the men who had had left without giving explanations seem valid.
listened for a while 'his stories, then I went directly to practice energy integration. It was during the various procedures that Celeste told me that he had a thought within himself, which otherwise was a phrase from one of his former love: "You're too possessive and selfish." I asked for further explanation and there and then his answers were a bit 'as if they were scrambling, trying to defend his all-out behaviors.
At that point I told him what I had seen her that night when we were by our mutual friend. It was then that seemed to collapse after another miserable and crying said, "I knew that you had already figured out everything about me." I laughed and told her that was not the situation but to restore balance within herself for the possibility that its future was much better than what was not his past.
In the second session we worked on long and wide on all matters related to his being possessive and self-centered and evidence has emerged that she had a kind of concept of love and possessive that he needed to do for the other much more than so asked, sometimes even sacrificing her own needs, but then the other requiring a whole set of expectations and emotional, in the long run were the other person feel trapped. And it was precisely this sense of captivity and oppression that caused men to leave.
One by one, breaking up and restored all the roots that support this strategy of life, making Celeste increasingly aware of the dynamics that implement those choices and more freedom in working for change that went in the direction of a better quality of life. Today
Celeste is married and has two beautiful children, but above all a happy and fulfilling life, free from those constraints that had held in check for many years.
***** I hope you find your best emotional relationship *****
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