Sunday, December 20, 2009
Oral Surgeon Ajax Emergency
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Indian Frequency Channels On Hotbird
was in the air for some time, it was not writing for quite a while.
A salute to the few that I have followed here, a wish to those who are still looking for the work and thank you to those who supported me during this period of layoff.
We hope to never have to go back to writing here:).
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Victor Noriega Desnudo
Sometimes I go to read what the newspapers in Italy and abroad since I am laid off I was interested especially in the economic section, in particular, see this article by El Pais.
Only 3 billion and 700 million are spent on the crisis that hits us, and debt salt salt increasingly altoooo
Certain information is necessary to look for certain strut, otherwise we do not know anything, especially here.
nice day.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Abscess In Dogs That Have R
Luckily, better, with all requests of layoffs that have occurred if there had been some kind of crisis that results could be achieved, but it was really necessary to the commissioner? (Source Reuters Italy).
: It layoffs and skyrocketing 1 million unemployed, not a few are ... (Source LA7).
Perhaps maybe we can keep forever INPS ?!!?!? :)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Resetting Compustar Starter
For them r innovated the contract (source, well now the turn of the metalworkers, I hope at least because I still believe this! :)
maybe next Monday I will know what happened to the money I / we are entitled to unemployment benefits by the starting of the company, in the meantime, the laid off writes: job search of lost time, the Korean language course book that I ordered did not arrive, I have requested before it was in the catalog ...
annyong all
Monday, September 21, 2009
Recipe Of Charcoal Soap
Week of fire for the renewal of the metalworkers, who leaves the table already exists, in separate negotiations, etc. ..
next stage Wednesday '23 September, the fall has begun: the money for heating (TFR) will arrive ?
I signed up for a course in CAD / CAM sponsored by the Region, and I hope useful.
Segnalo this interesting article about job seekers abroad, if maybe someone knows a foreign language is to take advantage of the case (source
nice day.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Gpsphone Pokemon Shiny Gold Cheats
I do not however have you ever seen this is the figure that Paris Hilton has won the brief appearance on YouTube during the broadcast of the Miss Italy.
Brava you tell me who is less good in rai brunette that money could give them to GABANELLI in my humble opinion but mine is laid off of
it always rains in the wet in the rain god is
can not rain forever
this post was written deliberately not put commas
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Bathing A 13 Year Old
So the headline in the Corriere della Sera , Italy and France with strong signs of recovery, now lags behind Germany, but obviously I say who cares, but I am beginning to think that tomorrow will not reshuffle the cards and Back in crisis?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Driver Da Hp 1500 Para Windows 7
News a few days ago that I had escaped, for the series when you do a better transmission (maybe the case) you put a spoke in the wheel ; Are forced to pay fees rai and ask for legal protection for the transmission (source
"Good things do not last long?" Every day I become more and more product but I'm not a dwarf ... To close a
news for small investors: attention to the returns you think ends up giving money to the state! (Source So if you have bot cct or whatever, always check!
Is Kays Jewelry A Good Place To Work?
Apparently, yes, now the articles on economics do nothing but write this (source, but lost 700 000 jobs and those who are still standing falter, the future is no longer what it once was; oh yes its true! (Source Liberonews).
And even this morning I left the curriculum as a company was reducing staff in the area, the lapidary words of the employee: "I'm sorry but we are cutting staff."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Cruising Places For Gays In Mumbai
In my daily searches around the web understood in this interesting post I read and the public happy here too.
The title already says it all, is the rant of an entrepreneur who does not take it anymore, read one is left with bitter taste in the mouth (source
Finally, although this is not the appropriate place to remember a mike:
"I must not say what you want"
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Get Parts For Vermont Castings
to help those in need seems that we go back and certainly there are putting those who've rolled up their sleeves to overcome the crisis of ' INNSE (source
a shame to report news like this, since the story was also turned out well. The company announced
workers still fight! And they are right ...
Monday, September 7, 2009
How To Clear History On Direct Tv Dvr
What is this word? We read what wikipedia writes , I see the board still far away and who knows if I'll ever to get it, maybe Italian also disappear from the dictionary.
I read here and see that people "hope" in a check for more "heavy" work and hope I say! (Source
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Why Does The Back Break Out In Spots After Waxing
go ahead there is perhaps another? better if we can together, faster and painless. Source (
Saturday, September 5, 2009
How To Get Free Mobile Broadband Hack
It comes out with layoffs ...
well but they are and I am pissed I also
sources and
Friday, September 4, 2009
Cruising Spots Calgary
in northwest things are not so much the better (source, my personal opinion is that the fund has not yet been touched at least here in Italy.
One thing is certain, the Social Security can not keep forever, what will end up like Iceland ? (Source
UPDATE 5/9/2009: The Story of the Zen master is here
Saturday, May 23, 2009
How To Tell If A Scorpioguy Is Interested In You
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "free love within us" - No 38 - __________________________________________________
Invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with the subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
in the previous mail I mentioned the concept that " 'Love is that state of being in which our personal situation allows the energy to enter, leave and expand in all directions without hindrance "
It' s a concept a bit 'special and which I think requires a bit 'more than an explanation, even judging by the comments I received on the matter.
At birth we receive a body generally in good condition and fully functional in all its parts. If we think about it, a body is in excellent condition only if all its parts work well. This means that over time we should continue to keep all our organs in good condition.
Now, in the course of our lives we run into a number of imbalances, due to bad physical habits (such as unbalanced diet), incorrect behavior (which affects both the physical and emotions), incorrect ways of thinking (which may affect negative effect on the mind, emotions and physical), compromising external events (eg trauma) that can change a negative mental and emotional planes. And 'course, as said, that if I'm on an imbalance of these plans, also adversely affected the rest of our being.
In oriental everything was very clear even several millennia ago. In fact, in these philosophies, to the various organs of the body are also associated with their emotions. If emotion is unbalanced or an organ is imbalanced, will suffer even more so gradually the other parties, creating imbalances cascade.
In addition, our life on this planet, we submit two streams main power: that which comes from below (earth energy and water) and that which comes from (energy of space and air). These two major energies find their balance in the heart (which is related to the fire element, and joy). It 'easy to imagine that if there is imbalance on even one of these elements, there is also trouble on the rest, and in particular their point of equilibrium.
continue and take into consideration other factors, we can say that the body of the liver is combined with the emotion of anger, anxiety, stomach, lung or sadness, anxiety and fears to the kidneys. In summary we therefore say that if the four main bodies are working well it will benefit our hearts. At the same time, only if we have a balanced relationship with our major emotions (anger, fear, anxiety, sadness), we can reach a state of joy (which in its highest expression can be defined as love).
The Heart is a synthesis of transformative energies that we all go through. That's why we love the Heart e. .. not with any other organ.
In all cultures of all time was always present the combination Heart-Love. This indicates that this concept is recognized by all human races.
The importance of balancing one's emotions and thoughts (and consequently our internal organs) is essential for access to a state of pure love. In contrast we can only access a few crumbs or substitute of Love.
In this task of balancing emotional and mental support comes to energy integration, which knows how to bring balance in all those areas that make us or prevent us from suffering to flow with the rhythm of life. Imagine how much new energy joy and love when you try to give you free yourself from your mental and emotional ballast!
Imagine how your relationship can be best in a rebalanced state! The cleanup in us is fundamental to a good life and Integration Energy helps us do this cleaning up at the bottom.
the next. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely using energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
Andrew was a nice young man twenty-seven who, unlike his very handsome appearance, he had some 'internal problems. The principle had been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis pancreatic dysfunction and imbalances as well as the digestive organs. Luckily it was an athletic boy and loved to play sports of various kinds and therefore did not lack physical activity, which as everyone knows, it is essential to keep your body in good condition.
Andrea told me that some years before, she met a friend who was very fond of and with whom he shared many youth activities. The pleasure of being with this guy took it a habit to share with him that in time proved detrimental to both. The two boys, when they met, often went to the bar to get a drink and then go to lunch or dinner together.
Unfortunately, these appetizers, drinks were not simple but the cocktails spirits, and so it was that over time they began to show signs of physical discomfort at various levels. The friend had recently been hospitalized for liver syndromes and mild hepatitis, but Andrea was no longer very well, because, as a result of illness had decided a few months before, had clinical examinations and found there were imbalances mentioned above.
But why Andrea had come to me? He suffered a serious hardship for not hiring more spirits. In addition to a lack of emotional distress was a natural, because he lacks those very talks that was full of laughter with his friend when they went to the aperitif. He missed all that pleasant environment that surrounds irresistible vice spirits.
We worked with the energy integration of the various aspects of the story in one sitting and I was able to detach from that Andrea compromising defect drinking. In the meantime, was also restored emotional serenity and now he was conscious and convinced that those good times could be lived and shared without the need to resort to alcohol.
Some time later I saw his mom and he confirmed that Andrew was going on really well and that all health had normalized. Now he was free to live consciously, and the habit of drinking was just a bad memory.
I wanted to tell this story to show how bad habit and extended behavior inappropriately manage to enslave us and harm the health even at high levels, also because of the positive aspects surrounding the whole affair. Andrew, for example, the positive aspects of friendship, confidence, fun had anchored the habit of drinking a certain type of product rather toxic to the body. To get those nice moments had become necessary to resort to alcohol and alcohol pleasure and the couple had become inseparable.
Here I talked about alcohol, but the same types of processes occur in our lives in many different ways. It 's the case with the anxieties, intolerances, phobias, overeating, and various defects in many other cases where an item is inextricably anchored to another and there is no rational way to arrive at a solution and pulled up all those 'Association. In all these cases, the energy integration does a good job to bring the situation back to normal.
***** I hope you find your inner freedom *****
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Goldfish V.s Cheez-its
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli for "having satisfying relationships" - No 37 -
Invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with the subject JOIN IE
Darling / or
about the concept of love, we were talking about in the previous mail, I found a phrase that aptly summarizes the argument: "Love is love and if you try it you can not understand, because you can not explain in words ..." Indeed, there is nothing more difficult than trying to explain the feelings to someone else who does not test them or test them in a different way from us.
Our first love object is the mother who sends her child to a satisfying feeling of intimacy, security and love. The baby is so profound a thing of the true meaning of love, that is a give and receive unconditional love from two people who love each other, an interpenetration of bodies and souls (considered as a state energy), and this feeling will virtually permanent over time.
We remain firmly anchored by the memory depth (ie a model, an imprint, but probably is the core of the model of the same nature) in that state.
Love is at the same time, the state of being where our personal situation allows the energy to enter, leave and expand in all directions without hindrance. You know, not a romantic notion, not a definition that makes you dream, I could almost call it a scientific concept and in some ways a bit 'mechanical, but I assure you that living a condition of this type leads the person to a state of that joy, freedom, pleasure, etc. expansion. etc.. that we could no doubt be called "Love."
This state of love is not necessarily an object or a contact person, that love does not necessarily require the presence or possession of someone else to be had: a state of being, as we said, and may also be present without an object or person, even if often triggers for someone or is manifested in reference to an external element.
often unfortunately we live in the illusion that we can love only those who meet our needs, or the illusion that we need a person to feel love or other delusions.
Love is a state of 'being' and is already "embedded" within us, within us, unless we try it is because we have blocked some channel energy (emotional or mental) that prevents in some way that this type of energy manifests itself in us. This is true even if we try it in a distorted way and that as a need, tenure, bargaining and so on. etc..
A characteristic of love is surely to be shared. It 'a been so strong that you can not keep to themselves: the share becomes spontaneous, the donating. That 's true love. I can love another person because love is already within me, so I can share it, and I choose that person to share it.
Otherwise, I'm looking for a crutch to try to resuscitate the state or feeling inside of me, and I flatter myself that if I find a person of a certain type I can prove that state or feeling inside me. At best, I can live that condition for some time, until the crutch keeps me up, but in most cases, the situation will wear and whether I have learned to walk with my legs, if my legs will be still very weak, I fall miserably on the ground.
I find totally wrong to make the path I just described, provided that we fall help us to understand where and what we're doing wrong and then correct the shot. On the other hand, evolves by learning from their mistakes. Unfortunately, it pains me to see that very often these falls but only bring suffering and disappointment and makes a great effort to seize the essence of our mistakes so that they become productive.
In this way, we can assist energy integration, which through its techniques can bring clarity but also to change the conditions that lead us to continue to make the same mistakes. Can do cleaning in the tangle of feelings, thoughts and feelings that are often intertwined, making us lose touch with our true inner nature.
free us from our energy blocks, those cages that keep us stuck with the inconvenient reality, not only makes us more free and happy, but also allows this miraculous condition, Love, to manifest and grow in us and around us.
An enlightened master of our times, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, said that "the purpose of creation is the expansion of Felicity, until it becomes infinite happiness"
Probably, then (it is my intuition), in this life we are trying to achieve the same state of bliss that we had already lived in the belly of our mother, but in a world environment, completely different size and condition.
A hug. Until next time. Andrea
PS: :-) :-) :-) if you do not give me the Nobel Prize after this mail, I retire to private life
:-) :-) ;-)))
*** ** I wish you to experience a lot of love in your life *****
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Banding Surgery Is Is Covered Ontario
of those who know that life may well surprise
May joy pervade your heart and brings you happiness
Happy Easter! ! !
you can donate to these organizations:
Monday, March 16, 2009
Orbit Car Starter Instructions
Hello everyone / and I certainly can not fail to prove my total solidarity with those who are now struggling for months in Greece for change !!!!! A hard fight that should be absorbed and carried throughout Europe. I will not go over because the planet is there to Italy to watch a lot of what is said and Aiemita the fight here is also quite bland and sterile.
GREECE: TERRORISM, ATHENS SEEKS HELP TO SCOTLAND YARD (Reuters) - ATHENS, MARCH 16 - The greek government, facing the growing threat of terrorism, sought the help of Scotland Yard, says the press this morning citing the Interior Ministry under which the British police experts would come already 'today in Athens. Scotland Yard, who already 'had helped Greece to dismantle the terrorist organization '17 November' in 2003, will help 'in particular, the Hellenic Police, media reports, to restructure its units' anti-terrorism and to cover both the urban guerrilla that the anarchic violence. According to the newspaper Kathimerini the premier Costas Karamanlis would intervene to help. And what 'after a series of bombings were followed by raids in recent days in Athens Thessaloniki commands and the anarchists who have sown panic and causing destruction of public protests and harsh criticism from the press and opposition. The news of the arrival of Scotland Yard following a government proposal to create a united'''Special''made up of civilian experts and police to combat the escalation of urban violence in the center of Athens that is hurting trade and tourism . (Reuters) 03/16/2009 12:27
GREECE: ATHENS VIOLENCE, GOVERNMENT CREER 'UNIT' SPECIAL (Reuters) - ATHENS, 14 MAR - The greek government is preparing to create a united'''Special''to address the increasing violence in central Athens, yesterday of a commando in the theater of the anarchist and other cases crime '. The deputy interior Khristos Markoyyanakis announced its intention to create a unit 'consisting of civilian experts and law enforcement to address the problem because'''the police alone can not do it.'' This morning, the press reported the assault with evidence of dozens of young hooded yesterday destroyed the windows of at least three banks and severely damaging several shops about thirty cars in the fashionable Athenian Kolonaki vanishing before the arrival of officers. And a similar 'also took place in Thessaloniki. And the conservative daily Kathimerini calls on Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis to''immediately take the right decisions''to control the situation made more 'serious as a new wave of attacks against banks and television that the opposition did say that''looks like Athens now in Baghdad.'' For years, we are talking about police reform, especially to ensure safety in the center of Athens where and 'frequent violence of the anarchists, drug traffickers and common criminals. (Reuters) 14/03/2009 12:23
Anarchists attack the headquarters of the Greek Riot Police
(Reuters) - ATHENS, 13 MAR - A few dozen hooded people have now made a foray into the center of Athens damaged headquarters of banks and shops and cars, and vanished before the police. About forty people with their faces covered, media reports, have made a real commando action destroying the windows of three banks and some shops and damaged parked cars and then disappear in the alleys of the trendy Kolonaki. These types of actions, which have been stepped with severe disorders that followed the December murder of a young man by the police, are usually attributed to anarchists. Identical action and 'took place almost simultaneously in Thessaloniki. A group of hooded men broke windows and damaged cars calling for the release of a young anarchist arrested. The two incidents giving rise to the indignant reactions of passers-by have been''convicted''government spokesman Evangelos Antonaros. (ANSA). RED
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Ski Dootundra For Sale
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "liberate all of our parts" - No 36
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with the subject JOIN IE
/ or
other day, rummaging through my paperwork, I went in his hands a sheet which was included in this phrase, which, however, I noted the author:
"Remember that the best relationship is one in which love for each other exceeds your need for each other " This sentence is very nice and I got stopped a moment to think about it. Here are reported two elements of comparison: the love and need. In truth, there's a third: the report.
In fact, the concept of "love" is somewhat controversial: everyone talks about but everyone really means something different. The word "love" is put a name to an abstract concept, is a sort of label that we apply to a very complex concept, but unfortunately a small name can not express all its content and that is why we run into errors interpretation. When we say the words "I love you", what are we really saying? Expectations that we have against a person who says this phrase?
I think about these two questions alone could write a hundred books, but I think love has already been written more than was necessary. However, for many of us the word and the concept of "love" remains a somewhat vague and smoky, difficult to define.
Quite different is the concept of need. Although we all have needs that are not exactly alike, but probably similar, very clear that we need to have a means to be in a position to want to satisfy our needs, immediate or not to be.
The first person in the world that meets our needs is our mother. She, except in special situations loves us, loved us, and then more or less satisfied all our needs. Who loves usually also tends to satisfy the needs of the other person. But who meets our needs, we need love? No, of course. Baker also meet our own needs and do not necessarily love us, indeed, almost definitely not so involved with us.
precisely the kind of experience lived during our childhood, very often form in us the thought that we can love only those who meet our needs.
In my work experience and even life, I have seen that very often these two elements are mixed together in an inextricable tangle at times, giving rise to misunderstandings that undermine relationships so often so as to create significant deleterious suffering.
The concept of love is often confused with other types of feelings, such as possession, give-and-take, satisfaction of needs, so feel considered.
has completely forgotten that the most person is incorporated, that is free of preconceived, from patterns of behavior acquired previously and never revised, by pre-and always emotional states similar to themselves, and more pure feeling called love is free to act out and express themselves.
With energy integration, we are able to disentangle all these entanglements to make people more aware of free and fair "games" that have built up to that point, making them safer to decide who will go to work later because now free of preconceived patterns of behavior.
In the next newsletter will continue on this topic.
----------------------------------- ---------------------------------
***** True stories
In This section of every newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely with the use of energy integration.
Here is the story of this issue:
That evening I was invited to a gathering of birthday by a dear friend, that on those occasions he used to welcome in the courtyard of his house a lot 'of friends and friends to share in the total withdrawal of its anniversary day.
was there that I saw for the first time Celeste, a young woman asked that captured the attention at first sight, not because it was particularly good but because everything about her seemed to attract attention. It was she who welcome people on arrival and I was struck by his hairstyle, with long blond curls gathered at the back of the head and with only two long curls on the front to frame her striking eyes, behind the make-up Studies. In addition, his long gown, pure white, and made it almost glow in the midst of all the people there is no question.
His gait was also the perfect housewife, even though it was a simple invitation: every time he passed close to someone, always had something nice to say, or you gave a lot to be done so everyone had a drink or something to tease. Also never failed to intervene in every topic you basted the various groups of people.
was mid-evening that anyone in the audience told him about me and my business. Then Celeste approached me and began to ask me the details of my work. When I talked to energy integration, became reflective and thoughtful and every sentence I added one of his "interesting" or something similar. Even before I finished to give explanations, he interrupted me saying, "I just need you. Tomorrow I'll call you for an appointment "
Sure enough the next day he called and set the appointment a few days. When he was sitting in my office the first thing I did was cry, he felt embarrassed to tell me what I would have said then. She had gone thirty years and still had not managed to find a man with whom to share life and to express his affection. According to her, she had so much love to give. Unfortunately, all the men who had had left without giving explanations seem valid.
listened for a while 'his stories, then I went directly to practice energy integration. It was during the various procedures that Celeste told me that he had a thought within himself, which otherwise was a phrase from one of his former love: "You're too possessive and selfish." I asked for further explanation and there and then his answers were a bit 'as if they were scrambling, trying to defend his all-out behaviors.
At that point I told him what I had seen her that night when we were by our mutual friend. It was then that seemed to collapse after another miserable and crying said, "I knew that you had already figured out everything about me." I laughed and told her that was not the situation but to restore balance within herself for the possibility that its future was much better than what was not his past.
In the second session we worked on long and wide on all matters related to his being possessive and self-centered and evidence has emerged that she had a kind of concept of love and possessive that he needed to do for the other much more than so asked, sometimes even sacrificing her own needs, but then the other requiring a whole set of expectations and emotional, in the long run were the other person feel trapped. And it was precisely this sense of captivity and oppression that caused men to leave.
One by one, breaking up and restored all the roots that support this strategy of life, making Celeste increasingly aware of the dynamics that implement those choices and more freedom in working for change that went in the direction of a better quality of life. Today
Celeste is married and has two beautiful children, but above all a happy and fulfilling life, free from those constraints that had held in check for many years.
***** I hope you find your best emotional relationship *****
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Incet Movies Mediafire
In the face of economic crisis and energy Berlusconi does exactly the opposite Obama. In U.S. is investing billions in renewable energy sources, Italy is doing the opposite coming to worsen the already few measures to promote energy efficiency. E 'must commit to the cancellation of the new Berlusconi's heavy taxes on solar PV systems. But not enough.
In recent months the front label has played defense in trying to defend the results stuck under the Prodi government. Today is the time to ask Italy to take a step towards environmental sustainability. How? Moving from protest to proposal. Our idea is to launch a second chain of blogs against suicide and nuclear energy. We have seen that it is an effective communication tool . Below are some requests that range from small steps to big changes.
For a week we will discuss these and other ideas that anyone can bring in the blog and / kudablog . Then draw up a document with the package reads blog-environment that will subject to our parliament, perhaps some of them may consider our proposals and will make sense in the classroom. Here are the first ideas in the comments space to improve them or propose new:
1 - REMOVE THE BY ICI PHOTOVOLTAIC , RESTORE THE PAYMENT OF INITIAL FINANCING ON PLANT: solar photovoltaic plants on the ground and rooftops those not integrated, are classified as industrial plants and imposes the burden of stacked and then to pay the ICI. In addition, the Berlusconi government has amended a number of secondary aspects of the mechanisms payment in the worst way: we want the initial situation is restored. (+ info)
2 - REPORT RECOVERY OF SPREAD IRPEF 55% over 10 years: to work on energy efficiency, with the new rules, you can recover the 55% deduction spread over a period of 5 years. In fact, it penalizes those who have an income below, and then be reimbursed each year a smaller share of funding. We ask that the citizens who pay no income tax and therefore can not recall anything being given the chance to enjoy the same incentives or reimbursements. It 's absurd that it can invest in energy efficiency the only medium to high range of the population. We also ask that are immediately issued the decrees for the 2009 deduction, the deduction without the decrees of 55% del'Irpef does not exist. (+ info)
3 - OIL RECOVERY TO MAKE FRIED biodiesel: establish the harvest of edible oils as in Germany where they hand out gas stations issuing a rebate proportional to the quantity of cooking oil. Also remove the ban on free market biodiesel producers today have an obligation to give the oil companies that blend with diesel. (+ info)
4 - requiring municipalities publish their energy bill and ask for a commitment because Every year there is a decrease in consumption per capita. (+ info)
5 - GRANT PERMANENT FORMS OF CREDIT FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO INVEST IN Ecotechnology perhaps the example of what made the Province of Milan .
6 - UNLOCK THE ELECTRONIC WASTE COLLECTION : On January 1, 2008 would have to leave our system of hi-tech waste collection. Officially, but not in reality! Missing several decrees necessary to give effect to the provisions of the law. Among these is the so-called "Decree Simplification, requiring the distribution to withdraw free of charge, on a one to one, the apparatus used when purchasing a new similar article intended for a household. This decree was to take effect no later than February 28, 2008, but still does not see the light. (+ info)
7 - SUPPORTING MOBILITY 'CYCLE : to introduce in all common law that provides for the right to park bicycles in the courtyards of buildings and businesses. Forcing the operators of public transportation in the transportation of bicycles on bus and subway for at least 50% of service time. (+ info)
8 - REDUCE USE OF BATTERY DISPOSABLE: tax on disposable batteries to fund an incentive to with rechargeable batteries. (+ info)
9 - SUPPORT FOR RECYCLING : make clear markings on each material used in packaging in order to avoid confusion. (+ info)
proposal and then a macro:
no suicide- nucleare10 energy and investment in renewables NUCLEAR OF MONEY, THE power plants non-renewable energy and new incinerators: in recent agreements between France and Italy we are talking about expenditure of over € 20 billion to build nuclear power plants in Italy that will power only between 12/15 years. By investing the same resources on central and MicroPlant fed by sources for renewable energy now and they are not the problem of waste and possible accidents. (+ info)
1. ilKuda:
2. Jacopo For:
3. Letizia Palmisano:
4. Blogs protection of the environment:
5. Domenico Finiguerra:
6. Civil Resistance:
7. Flower:
8. Verdi Ferrara
9. Franco Corleone:
10. How did I :
11. Alessandro Ronchi
12. Marcello Saponaro:
13. Planet Green:
14. Rigeneriamoci:
15. clipboard, and semicolon:
16. systems and panels Solar:
17. Base Green: E2% 80% 99ambiente-promoted-from-blog-ecologists /
18. Sciura Pina:
19. Thief Jams:
20. CernuscoTv:
21. Freely:
22. Ma'pe iabbu:
To join you can talk about the initiative in your blog, and report here the ideas that arise from the comments, link to this list of ideas subscribing, commenting on the post with your observation, indicate the initiative to vote on OK Blogger ...
Monday, March 9, 2009
What Happened To The Mysore
respective card: Who really gains?
The Ministry of Economy presented the social card, prepaid magnetic card that was announced last summer and should have support function to the poor . The money contained in the social card may in fact be spent to pay the bills of electricity and gas, and to buy groceries at certain shops that display the appropriate warning. But very few will benefit, and the cost to the state goes far beyond what ends up in people's pockets.
Seniors: Only income below € 6,000 a year
Meanwhile, let's start with who will benefit: the over 65 year olds and families with children under 3 years.
For the first provision applies to the individual who earns more than € 6,000 (8,000 for those over 70), whereas including all income, even those who generally are not considered charitable for tax purposes. But beware, the ISEE (the document certifying the income situation of the family) produced by the family of which must be part of 6,000 €. Therefore we speak, for example, families in which two pensioners earn a total of more than € 723 net per month, which become well € 923 if they have a child against them. But there is always a "but" for the state: beyond the constraints of the users who can understand, the person must have at most a house that does not change the Isee must be within the cadastral value of € 51,000, an account current with a maximum of € 15,000 in savings and a car. But beware, if your family has a box, he shall forfeit his social card.
Whilst it may be that register with the category C7 (roofs), the Ministry intends to C6, typical of the box, however we do not understand the explanation given that it is always a non-residential properties.
Families with children up to just over € 1,100 of income if you
in four families with children under 3 years, eligible for a refill of the social card for each child, do not fare still better. There is no longer the limit of personal income of 6,000 €, but to get the social card (family of four) must not earn more di1.131 € net per month total.
Obviously if you have a mortgage to pay rent or has income net can be a little 'thanks to the higher value Isee that it changes.
Only in a few shops (and not in retail, cheaper)
The social card can be used to pay the bills of electricity and gas and to buy food in shops.
The real problem is that, as recognized by even the government, only 5% of traders have joined the initiative, perhaps because fear of Biblical times (on average 200 days) for repayment of the state has played a key role in decision.
addition, the categories identified by the Ministry are limited to bakeries, dairies, butchers, shops, grocery stores and supermarkets (so small chains), where average prices are certainly not those of large retail chains. This constraint greatly limits the category of uses, especially for pensioners who have little chance of movement: hence the real usage is limited to the payment of bills, guarantees that (coincidence?) The greatest return in terms of VAT and excise Stato.La the choice of a plastic card, then, was justified by the Ministry to recognize users discounts on merchandise, however, since the average prices of acceptance on average higher than the discounts that would produce at best only a price level that already normally practiced by chains.
The cost to the state, not everything goes to nationals
The Ministry said that the state social card will cost € 450 million per annum to the scheme and who will benefit 1.3 million Italians. Therefore, since by December give the first tranche of € 120, the accounts were soon made: the cost by December is 156 million euro. In practice, by December 2009, the Government estimates to spend EUR 606 million for social card. That are covered by state appropriations still under discussion for 650 million and 200 million already donated by Eni and 50 million donated by Enel. The latter two subjects actually give you the opportunity to recover part of the State Investment because of what consumers spend with the social card to pay the bills of electricity and gas, on which as we all know the impact of VAT and excise duty is very high. But the social card is not at no cost to the State, in addition to what goes into the pockets of the few Italians who are among the deserving help, there are costs related to the instrument.
We talk about the production costs of the card, chip, payment and charging. The physical production of the card costs about 50 cents a piece (cost provided by issuers), and already € 650 000 were used. The circuit calls for a percentage payment to the operator, which on average is about 2% of the payment itself. So, by encouraging a sharing of the operator to spend, are to be optimistic, some 6 million of state spending. As for charging, the fees normally charged by the post I am not sure why small amounts to € 1 per charge. So for each card are 6 € per year that the state should pay: in any case, for example by applying a cost of 10 cents per charge, the state still pays to the Italian post office about 800 000 euro in a year.
To sum up, without considering the cost of letters sent Italians (once again thank the Post Office), about € 7.5 million are lost along the way which leads the 40 euro per month in the pockets of families. It would have been rather a direct transfer, through a pension or paycheck.
missing the € 120 credit on more than one third of the cards distributed to citizens
The great hoax of the social card One in three is no money
ANTONELLO CORPORAL taken from the site of
ROME - It is said to die of shame. "I had the Dixan in hand, like a pound of barley and a can of tuna, but I had a premonition: you want to see that does not work? So I took the card and I asked the clerk to type the numbers, I do not see well. It was not loaded. I had the tight money in the other hand, have all been counted, and I have given them to him and so it ended. I have not used. "Maria Pia, 67, fled away from the supermarket in Viareggio flushed, and luckily there was nobody in line. However, in the supermarket no come back.
The card Tremonti is a beautiful serene blue. As the heavens Forza Italy, what it once was. A flag waved crosses from the left and right arrows appear in the footsteps of the legendary. "It 'anonymous course not to be embarrassing," said Silvio Berlusconi the day of the year of € 40 per month to the needy in Italy.
anonymous. In fact yesterday, SMA supermarket in Rome, whether busy at the cash, old man in a row: "He has the case for social card?". This is no dry and resentful. "Excuse me, but it was to figure out how to pay."
Lusy Montemarian did not pay, even broke into tears when they communicated, how does the doctor to the family of a spouse dying, who had made it. A plant collected from a microcamera of "Mi manda Raitre" and joined other compassionate cases. A brick on the other, and more. In the end he builds this incredible wall of shame across the peninsula and stabs without guilt.
The Social Card, Mastercard circuit. The protagonists of a fairy tale. A strip and so on. The pensioner poverty that the cashier at the bakery, as the woman's chic Via Condotti, opens the bag, do not touch dirty money, but off his credit card. A second magnetic. If the card is full. If it's empty - and so are one third of the approximately 500 000 spread - the pensioner must return the bread and pick public humiliation.
was June 19, it was summer, and the Minister Giulio Tremonti announced an old news: the credit card for the poor. Old because he had thought Vincenzo Visco, over 97: Discounts on expenses, rents, basic necessities. Old because he had appreciated Ermanno Gorrieri, partisan commander, founder of the Christian movement Social. Gorrieri died in 2004. In 2008, Tremonti to attend and present the turning point: a maneuver by 450 million euro, 200 covered by Eni, Enel 50, others from Robin Tax. Remove from the rich, give to the poor: 40 euro per month, € 80 accredited every two months. For a whole year. Four months of ads, tight organization. Ready. It starts on December 1. Warning: those who maintain 15 000 €, the bank or the post office, retired or unemployed, is not entitled to the credit card of the state. I
520,000 in December to ask the social card, pensioners with income from 6000 € to 8000, elderly couples, families with dependent children, no more than three years, however. With only one house property, active electric car and a user. Standing in line for hours in front of 9,000 post offices. Because those who complete their files by December 31, he was entitled to € 120 (October, November and December in fact) to start. A race to nowhere. Why December 30, Christmas with optimism, INPS - which was to ascertain the income - stated that 330,000 cards have been charged. The others were empty.
Thousands of Italians gathered in a fake hand. A blue paper, plastic, with a magnetic back, the number, the yellow and red logo of Mastercard. Fine, indeed. E value: it is estimated cost at least 50 cents each, plus 1 € for the bi-monthly charge, plus 2 percent for the costs the banking system. One trick to 8 million and 500 thousand euro, in full swing. A lottery for half a million Italians who, just in front of the cashier and the clerk will know if his ration card is good or is it a twist of fate, if you can afford to go shopping or to announce to all its poverty. Two hundred thousand cards
discovered wandering in the pocket of his pocket, suspended or rejected. Two hundred thousand Italians, perhaps more, have the unconditional use. Some (few) know it. Others, many others who do not know, they face the disaster.
It takes the method to design such a long and futile effort. Front row: to be certified as poverty, misfortune absolute. Six thousand euro per year. In a row, of course, for having it confirmed by the patronage of the desired poverty. Then the INPS, the Post Office, still in line, always the same. Finally, courage, go to the supermarket and show it this cursed poverty. And then, two hundred times so far, see shameless: "The card is not charged." But he has read that right?
For the social card is a poor man hospitalized in Catania (sedated) in hospital following a furious fight, says a dispatch from ANSA on January 3 last year, generated "from the discussion to obtain the social card. John Spatola, painter of 47 years, he is confessing to police that he smashed the skull of the knower with a spanner. Which of the two was to get the social card? A boom in Verona withdrawals. The figure, reported the direction of the Post Office, is related to the presence of many religious institutions in place. Three hundred monks and nuns have been presented for payment. Have-nots. So they could. A Castelletto di Brenzone, a tiny village on Lake Garda, they were bestowed more than fifty. Why? There is situated the establishment of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family. Amen.
"distress and humiliation of all kinds. Accreditategli these blessed forty € pensions, so you also save money," he advised the House yesterday, Pierluigi Bersani, the Minister of Economy. "It 's the scam of the century, a flop, the biggest bluff Tremonti "says Franco Laratta, the Calabrian deputy of the Democratic Party while collecting signatures for an urgent agony of this card early on bright blue, very patriotic tricolor with that beam.
http:/ / /
The "Social Card" is an Italian bin
Published Friday, January 16, 2009 in USA
[International Herald Tribune]
Rome - An initiative of the Italian government, which aims to lessen the grip of financial crisis on the elderly and families with difficulties in young children, is under indictment for his inability to cope with growing poverty.
The so-called "social card", a top up card worth 40 € (about $ 52), can be used to refer to any payments and grocery bills, but his detractors claim that requires complex calculations, has an impact minimum because of the price and implies a "brand" social.
Critics also ask whether the paper is the most effective way to address the increasing financial difficulties in Italy. The Bank of Italy announced Thursday that gloomy figures show an economy in full recession for 2009 and expect a decline in GDP of 2%.
Up now, about 424,000 people received social card, about one third compared to the number of claimants announced by Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti when he presented the initiative two months ago. In November, the National Statistics Institute (INS) reported that 7.5 million Italians - 12.8 percent of the population - lived in poverty.
"The famous paper turned out to be what we predicted: wrong initiative, a failure," he said Friday in a statement Michael Mangano, national president Auser, an Italian organization for social services. The paper, which runs on the circuit Mastercard, "Is not the way to deal with the impact that the economic crisis is having on people most in need."
The criteria for entitlement thereto are severe. The owner must be over 65 or have a child under three years old, and have an annual income below € 6,000 a year (8,000 € for gliover 70). There are also restrictions on home and car ownership and save money in the bank.
card is automatically issued to anyone who asks, but the 40 € are credited only when the eligibility criteria were verified. This has created several awkward situations at supermarket checkouts, when some elderly people have been told that the there was no credit card. Since it became available in December, nearly 150,000 people who applied for the card were rejected as unfit.
"I did not come to ask for charity, it was humiliating," said Lussy Mazmanian, an elderly woman crying softly as he explains that it was rejected in a supermarket as he tried to pay with a credit card without. The signoraMazmanian which receives a monthly pension of 445 €, has told his story last week in "Mi manda Rai Tre", a television program aired on national TV RAI. Another guest, Diego Inferrera, who receives a pension of 470 €, was told that it was not eligible because his annual income comes to € 6,100.
The paper is one of several anti-crisis measures implemented by Parliament. This week the House approved a comprehensive package which measures now under consideration in the Senate, including a one-off bonus of 200 € to 1,000 € for low-income families and seniors, free milk and diapers for the children (if parents have allasocial right card), and financial support for those struggling to pay rents or mortgages.
In Italy, "the poor are given so little that whatever the government gives is good," said Massimo Baldini, a professor of Economics at the University of Modena, who added, however, that introducing a minimum wage or increase the amount of minimum pension could have a more significant impact.
Paul Conti, the Catholic Association of Italian Workers, said, "that electronic means may not necessarily be the best solution", as Italian citizens, the elderly, who usually makes purchases at the market or the grocery store, not necessarily serve the circuitoMastercard.
Social Card: they are also entitled Sisters and Brothers!
then retired Italians want a grant to the Vatican
© - \u200b\u200b26/01/2009 Many
reports from citizens, who, in line at the Post to pick up the social card, as noted in line to get the desired card to be issued by the Government, there were also sisters and brothers.
Even the religious fact - explained Codacons - if they are destitute, they can request and be social card.
''At this point we wonder if nuns and monks are entitled to a social card, because the Italian pensioners can not get a subsidy from the Vatican State, whereas the Church incamera lot of money with 8 per thousand and offers parish priests? - Ironically asks the President Codacons, Carlo Rienzi - It would be more just and fair treatment on both sides, so please everyone and not make unfair discrimination. We therefore ask the Vatican to bestow € 40 per month for each senior Italian with minimum income.''
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Dragon Age Post Coronation Paly Other
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "relate to simplicity" - No 35 -
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Darling / or
today I would continue the disquisition on the subject of reports to give a bit 'of knowledge with respect to issues that develop in this context.
Our relationship, of any character they are, are developed around three main poles:
1) Affinity - because I feel close to another person
2) common reality - everything that I share with the other person (rooms, people, things)
3) Communication - everything I do "switch" between the two of us (words, gestures, behavior - verbal or nonverbal)
The similarities may be conscious or unconscious. Sometimes we know and we can explain to us why we like a person (be it a friend, a boyfriend / girlfriend, a colleague or other). Sometimes we can not very well explain why a person like us, but despite what we like.
How many times have I heard, for example: "My husband / wife is not beautiful / a, not smart, but I like it, has something that makes me pleased. " This alchemy takes place in spite of our rationality.
Reality municipality is represented by all types of interest that I share with the other person. Surely you will come across a colleague's work, for example, that you would ever come close if not every day that I will / found the same in your office and you need to share aspects of work. Gradually, as time passes, get to know him / and from this knowledge might produce friendships, loves, shares of other aspects (such as sports, children, holidays, etc..), Or dislikes, aversions and so on. The common reality sometimes acts as the glue, to bond.
Communications is the most important issue that certainly makes the most impact between us and others. We always communicate to another: there is never a moment in the day when we do not communicate. The communication is not just verbal, it is also non-verbal. Our bodies already announced on its own, without the use of the word. Our actions, our attitudes, our postures tell us much more than we realize.
From studies done in recent times, it appears that verbal communication is about 7% of our entire community. And 'this impressive figure, if we think of all the rivers of words that we spend our days to come messages that we want it to others. The experts tell us rather than our community of over a facial expression or body that thousands of words.
To me this situation is well known, not so much knowledge, but from experience: Every day I happen to experience some dissonance between what people tell me and what I express with gestures, visual or vocal expressions, postures body etc.. This does not mean that I have to do every day with people lying, but simply shows how much people do not realize that what they say and what they think deeply (or is present in the depths of their own) at odds.
Many times our words longer express what we want it to be, not what is really present within us. In this game of mirrors, we end up messed up and mistaken for real what is illusion or desire with what is real and tangible within us.
A mess, right? In all this we find solace in the energy integration, which does a good job in sorting out many tangled skeins. The stimulus of our state power, or realize the dissociation of mind from false beliefs or assumptions, puts an end to many problems with our communication, first in ourselves and then to others.
Returning for a moment at the opening speech, it is necessary that the three elements mentioned, are in equilibrium with each other, otherwise our relations will suffer, the real attraction, however, is communication and it is on this that it is often convenient to work to improve our relations. Through communication you can also access Conscenza the other two aspects.
continue to talk about relationships in future emails. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, each newsletter tell a real case that happened, which resolved completely using energy integration. Here is the story of this issue:
Peter was a boy of about twenty-five years and the problem was evident on the face acne problem that gave him no particular problems, apart from a little 'itchy sometimes. It looked like a confident and strong as his handshake, even if its physical structure and waving tiny would say instead that there was insecurity in him.
Even during the interview you experience these two aspects, at times firm and sure, sometimes evasive and uncertain. His thoughts revolved around acne and what he believes in the limited relationships. When I saw the interview still could not manage to make clear the causes of all this, I decided to start working with energy integration.
Almost immediately raised the issue of his insecurity, because he felt insecure in the approach with the opposite sex. A little 'later, emerged the aspects of his relationship with his mother and how she gives him insecurity as choose and decide for him all the time. Later, he emerged as he felt undermined by the attitudes of the mother and this caused a lack of confidence in himself and an inability to make their own choices.
was during the session following that at some point, Peter had the image of a mask, red full of dark spots. I asked for further explanations regarding this form, and gradually emerged a number of elements on the subject. The mask was his acne and represented the first attempt to hide his insecurity and from another point of view, a way to keep women away, people experienced as frustrating and castrating. In this way, the mask will help him not feel compelled to address a situation where he would feel a loser from the start, given his great fear of failure.
We had to work for a while 'on all these aspects, such as reciting a rosary that sooner or later it ends. And so, Peter finally began to flourish, freed from its deep limiting beliefs and stimulated in the 'go ahead with its forces and decisions. As Peter took important decisions for him, even his acne and decreased slowly after a few months went away completely. But what was really important, as I said, so he decided, was not that there was or there was acne, but he finally turned his soul, who suffered for a long time without him it would make fully into account.
I've told this story, because I saw Peter, a bit of escape, just a few months ago, who told me that he got married and is now almost managerial. Who is more of a managerial has to make safe and accurate at all times?
***** I wish you to improve your relationship every *****
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Lumps In Palatal Vault
The Free Newsletter of Andrea Parimbelli to "improve its contacts with the world" - No 34
Join and invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter by sending an email to with subject JOIN IE
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talk about relationships in this newsletter is like entering a minefield: everywhere you turn you have to be careful not to run into something dangerous.
Some may say that this vision is a bit 'too pessimistic, and indeed it is, but unfortunately it is before our eyes as in today's life are difficult relationships.
This is not to say however that it is an unwieldy field, anything but, and like everything else ... if you know how you also have to modify the operation or improve it, but unless you know you content to go "automatic", which Like it or not and the consequences.
Relationships are one of the five fundamental aspects of life, which are:
1 - Being there (I exist)
2 - Enduring
3 - Defending
4 - Procreate
5 - Around the world, learn, communicate, socialize
These five aspects, which in fact are part of the five elements in nature (water , air, fire, earth, metal) are those that ensure the continuity of life on Earth and in living things. If one of these elements is in trouble, undermines the whole system and even our individual lives.
This says a lot about how relationships are important in life and, unless you do hermits, we are all involved. To bring in other reports Bikes and our emotions, how they represent a bit 'the spice of life.
relate to others it means setting in motion the sum of all our minds (conscious or unconscious) and our previous experience.
What does it mean? It means that our social life becomes the mirror of our inner life, no more and no less.
reports are nothing but the interaction between our behavior and the behavior of others, where one acts as a mirror to another. It may seem a bit 'cryptic phrase of the mirror. In fact, if you think about it, every signal that comes to us from the outside, it triggers in us an appropriate reaction on our part.
We can not react to the other except through one way that we know already, we have already experienced. And even if we are living a totally new experience, it is very likely that we will respond in a more or less similar to what we know already. Only if the new experience to be able to take us in the spring that opens us to another level of consciousness, we can experience life in a new way. In this case, we will add new pieces of our experience already gained.
's why I said a moment ago that the outer life is the mirror of our inner life. Only if we have gained within a balanced way to relate with all our inward parts, we have good relations even outside.
It 's a completely different way to pose in front of reality, especially in a context such as that of today's world, where all of our reaction is judged to be due to someone else, that is, blaming others for our reactions more or less inappropriate.
"If he / she does not do this, I'm not angry." How often we hear phrases like in a day? And why, at this point, we do not assume responsibility for our anger (or fear or sadness, etc..)? If
do not blame others and I have to question me free from possible guilt. Easy, right? But the trick did not last long, and above all continue to live those emotions without disturbing way out, until a balanced learning to relate with our emotions and all our parts.
In this context, the energy integration can make the process of balancing all those models that we drag in life and continue to bring suffering. The improvement of our relations can only go by our individual advancement. A hug
***** True stories
In this section, I will tell every newsletter that happened by chance really, which resolved completely by using energy integration. Here is the story of this issue: When I saw
Aldo for the first time I had the impression of a person beaten, those who received only blows out of life. Average height, a good physical condition and good health, at least apparently, were the right ingredients for a normal life if nothing else, and instead Aldo had some 'problems that haunted him.
begins with the story of his digestive problems, but never too serious persistent and continuous. All the tests performed and all the treatments tested were unable to give a plausible explanation as well as a decisive recovery. Everything was already saying that it was a somatization of a few problems not yet evident.
you progress through the interview, Aldo touched the subject of his relationships, saying that he was not married (she was about 40 years) and had occasional, short-term relationships with women who promptly left him. Because he was cut a bit 'short on this topic, I decided not to go any further in his conversation and start playing, certain that what had been a disturbance would then be revealed during the procedures.
from lying, I saw him tense or more restrained and even the little 'to breathe free initial served to change the situation, although he told me to feel good.
just started working on digestive disorders, certain that I would bring the natural source of those problems. After about half an hour, Aldo was more relaxed and tension in the stomach were gone. He himself said he did not feel so well for a very long time (it was due to the relaxation achieved in the abdomen, which had not for many years, having now assumed a permanent tension in the belly).
was already a great success, but aware that the improvements do not last much over time if not eradicate the roots of the problems, I continued to lavoraci to complete the situation. During the latter procedure had the image of a woman, one of his last companion. I asked for further explanation and Aldo told me that she had left him because he suffers from premature ejaculation and that he had been giving him impotent.
He was still very angry about that fact. I worked on that anger and at the end of the procedure, told me he was angry because he felt powerless and that anger was more to himself than to his former partner.
We had to work for a few sessions to be able to rebalance the situation. From that powerlessness emerged several aspects of which were the fundamental relations with his parents, frustrated that every time he did something new. Repetitive behaviors, Aldo had installed in the conviction of not having power to achieve what his heart, to be incompetent, and many other things related to the topic.
Aldo resurrected to new life after the small number of sessions. Freed from the roots of his problems, he began to explore his world in different ways, but above all, more congenial to his needs and after a few months began a new affective history that continues to this day (about four years have passed).
***** I wish to liberate all of "your" creativity *****